The main activities and the relevant results of an experimental program aimed at evaluating the dynamic characteristics of a large seismically isolated building are described. The building is situated in Potenza (Italy) and is the largest of five seismically isolated blocks of the University of Basilicata. Cyclic shear tests on scaled isolators and some small amplitude free vibration tests were preliminarily carried out. The latter ones were aimed at getting a preliminary linear characterisation of the structure. Finally, many in situ release tests on the isolated structure were carried out, using a mechanical device purposely designed to statically move the building and then suddenly release it, thus making it vibrate freely. The variations of the dynamic characteristics of the system while the oscillation amplitude decreases have been evaluated by using the "Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT)". The results were elaborated in terms of stiffness and equivalent damping and compared to the results of the laboratory tests on scaled isolators, finding an excellent agreement.
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