Fluorine-Doped Graphene/Nanosized Carbide-Derived Carbon Composites for High-Performance Supercapacitor
A graphene-based composite with high electrochemical performance for supercapacitor applications is fabricated by introducing nanoscale carbide-derived carbon (NCDC) into the fluorine-doped graphene (FG). The incorporation of fluorine can increase the specific capacitance of graphene by providing more pseudocapacitance, whereas the introduction of NCDC into the FG/NCDC composite offers high specific surface area (SSA) (up to 1317m2g−1) and hierarchical pore structure, resulting in an enhanced electric double layer capacitance. Due to the synergistic effect of pseudocapacitance and electric double layer capacitance, the specific capacitance of FG/NCDC composite can reach 321 F g−1 at a scan rate of 5mVs−1 in aqueous electrolyte. Notably, the specific capacitance of the FG/NCDC composite is very stable during long-term cyclic tests, with no significant degradation after 10,000 cycles. Due to its excellent supercapacitive performance, the FG/NCDC composite can be considered as a promising electrode material for high-performance supercapacitors.