Filling with separating curves
A pair (α,β)(α,β) of simple closed curves on a closed and orientable surface SgSg of genus gg is called a filling pair if the complement is a disjoint union of topological disks. If αα is separating, then we call it as separating filling pair. In this paper, we find a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a separating filling pair on SgSg with exactly two complementary disks. We study the combinatorics of the action of the mapping class group Mod(Sg)Mod(Sg) on the set of such filling pairs. Furthermore, we construct a Morse function ℱg on the moduli space ℳg which, for a given hyperbolic surface X, outputs the length of the shortest such filling pair with respect to the metric in X. We show that the cardinality of the set of global minima of the function ℱg is the same as the number of Mod(Sg)-orbits of such filling pairs.