A tensor product approach to compute 2-nilpotent multiplier of p-groups
Let G be a group given by a free presentation G≅F/R. The 2-nilpotent multiplier of G is the abelian group 𝕄(2)(G)=(R∩γ3(F))/γ3(R,F) which is invariant of G [R. Baer, Representations of groups as quotient groups, I, II, and III, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.58 (1945) 295–419]. An effective approach to compute the 2-nilpotent multiplier of groups has been proposed by Burns and Ellis [On the nilpotent multipliers of a group, Math. Z.226 (1997) 405–428], which is based on the nonabelian tensor product. We use this method to determine the explicit structure of 𝕄(2)(G), when G is a finite (generalized) extra special p-group. Moreover, the descriptions of the triple tensor product ⊗3G, and the triple exterior product ∧3G are given.
Communicated by A. F. Vasilev