Planarity of the bipartite graph associated to squares of elements and subgroups of a group
A new kind of bipartite graph is defined in this paper. The work is motivated mainly from a graph introduced by Al-Kaseasbeh and Erfanian [A bipartite graph associated to elements and cosets of subgroups of a finite group, AIMS Math. 6(10) (2021) 10395–10404] and partially from the undirected power graph of a group and from the inclusion graph. For a nontrivial group G, we define a simple undirected bipartite graph Γ(G) with the vertex set V(Γ(G))=A∪B, where A is the set of all elements of the group G and B is the set of all subgroups H of G such that H≠{e} and two vertices a∈A and H∈B are adjacent if and only if a2∈H. Here, we classify all the finite groups G whose bipartite graphs Γ(G) are planar. In addition, we also classify the finite groups G such that Γ(G) is outerplanar, maximal planar, maximal outerplanar, star, tree, claw graph, respectively. The planarity of the graph Γ(G) corresponding to an infinite group G has also been investigated here. It is also observed that Γ(G) satisfies Vizing’s conjecture.
Communicated by Suogang Gao