Background: Positive ulnar variance (UV) may be associated with a higher incidence of ulnar impaction syndrome (UIS). However, neutral and/or negative UV has also been associated with the development of UIS; therefore, other risk factors may be involved. The purpose of this study was to compare radiological bone morphology in patients with UIS and asymptomatic controls.
Methods: Between 2009 and 2018, posteroanterior wrist radiographs of 47 wrists in 45 patients diagnosed with UIS were compared with those of 163 wrists in 93 asymptomatic patients from the control group. The following parameters were obtained: ulnar variance (UV); ulnar head top-fovea distance (UTFD); capitate–triquetrum distance (CTD); radio-lunate distance (RLD) and lunate coverage ratio (LCR). The morphology of the lunate was classified based on the absence (type I) or presence (type II) of a medial facet that articulates with the hamate. The radiographic parameters and lunate types were compared between the two groups. We then divided the groups into two subgroups: the positive UV subgroup and the neutral/negative UV subgroup. In each subgroup, the radiographic parameters and lunate types were compared between the UIS and control groups.
Results: In the UIS group, the UV and UTFD were significantly increased compared to those in the control group. The proportion of type II lunates was significantly higher in the UIS group than in the control group. In addition, the type II lunate was more common in the UIS group in both the positive UV and negative UV groups.
Conclusions: Our study suggests that in addition to positive UV, ulnar head morphology with an increased UTFD and type II lunate morphology may be associated with the development of ulnar impaction syndrome.
Level of Evidence: Level III (Diagnostic)