Congenital dorsal curvature of the distal phalanx has been previously described as ‘reverse Kirner’ or ‘ski-jump’ deformity. This report describes bilateral occurrence in the thumbs. A 13-year-old male presented with difficulty caring for his thumbnails and in picking up small objects. Examination showed dorsal curvature of the distal phalanges of both thumbs, with greater curvature of the right side. Radiographs showed wedge-shaped epiphyses and dorsal curvature without coronal plane deviation of the distal phalanges. There was objective and subjective decrease in function associated with lateral pinch and tripod grasp. The reported aetiopathogenesis for Kirner deformity cannot explain the observed dorsal curvature. The bilateral nature makes a secondary physeal cause unlikely and suggests an embryologic basis. Due to the noticeable deficits in function, operative intervention may be warranted.
Level of Evidence: Level V (Therapeutic)