Dynamics and optimal harvesting of prey–predator in a polluted environment in the presence of scavenger and pollution control
This paper is concerned with the dynamics and optimal harvesting of a prey–predator system in a polluted environment in the presence of scavengers and pollution control. Toxicants, released from external sources and the dead bodies of prey and predators, pollute the environment, which affects the growth of both prey and predators, resulting in a decline in the economic revenue from harvest. We assume that scavengers reduce pollution by consuming dead bodies. Further, we consider pollution reduction through depollution efforts as an alternative to enhancing revenue. We propose and analyze a prey–predator–pollutant model and study the optimal harvesting problem. We investigate the persistence of the ecosystem, and we solve the optimal harvest problem using Pontryagin’s maximum principle. The results indicate that uncontrolled prey harvesting and a high rate of pollution drive the system toward the extinction of both species. A moderate amount of pollution and the reasonable harvest efforts allow the system to persist. The optimal harvest strategy highlights that investing in pollution reduction enhances the persistence of the system as well as economic revenue. Numerical examples demonstrate the significant outcomes of the study.
1. Introduction
The eternal relationship between prey and predators has captured the attention of researchers from various fields (such as biology, mathematics, economics, and so on). The popular books by Kot [18] and Edelstein-Keshet [11] provide excellent exposure to the theory of prey–predator interactions. Its profound biological and economic implications attracted further attention, and several authors have studied the prey–predator system by considering the harvesting terms in their models [4, 15, 19, 25, 26]. A considerable amount of the literature is devoted to studying the prey–predator dynamics under the influence of toxicants [8, 7, 12, 17, 20].
One of the important inclusions of the recent decades is the consideration of the influence of scavengers in the ecosystem. Many studies were devoted to the analysis of the prey–predator–scavenger models [1, 9, 14, 21]. In particular, Nolting et al. [21] presented a three-dimensional dynamical system by introducing the scavenger population into the Lotka–Volterra prey–predator system. The model considers that the scavenger does not affect the prey and predator populations, and its existence depends on the prey and predator populations. Dumbela and Aldila [9] proposed and analyzed the predator–prey–scavenger model, wherein the prey population is subject to harvesting and predation from both predators and scavengers. Abdul Satar and Naji [1] presented the prey–predator–scavenger model by considering the influence of toxicants and combined harvesting in all predator, prey, and scavenger populations.
Another pertinent issue, which received less attention in modeling renewable resources in the presence of toxicity, is the influence of pollution reduction on resource dynamics. Nowadays, environmental pollution has become a threat to the existence of exploited interacting biological populations such as prey–predator, and its effect on the population dependent on the exploitation of such stocks is adverse. Thus, investing in pollution reduction seems like a practicable alternative to enhance resource growth and the revenue from harvest. Studies on the exploited prey–predator dynamics in a polluted environment with pollution reduction activities are rare in the literature. The authors in [16, 23, 27, 28] presented the dynamics of a single species population in the presence of pollution control. To the best of our knowledge, no literature seems to exist that deals with optimal prey–predator harvesting in a polluted environment with pollution reduction.
In [1], the authors focused on the prey–predator–scavenger dynamics wherein the toxicants directly affect the growth of all the prey, predator, and scavenger populations. Also, the study considers pollutants released from external sources alone, and it does not discuss the dynamics of pollutants. In a practical situation, it is unrealistic to rule out the effect of dead bodies (due to interaction and other factors) on the stock of pollutants. Furthermore, scavengers (vultures) reduce pollution by consuming dead bodies and organic waste [10]. On the other hand, the existing literature does not address the dynamics and optimal harvesting of prey–predator in a polluted environment in the presence of scavengers and pollution reduction.
Given these, this work aims to study the dynamics and optimal harvesting of a prey–predator system in a polluted environment in the presence of scavengers and pollution reduction. We assume that scavengers consume only the dead bodies of prey and predators. Pollution directly affects both prey and predators, and its effect on the scavenger is assumed to be insignificant. We consider investing in pollution reduction through depollution efforts. Thus, we propose and analyze three-dimensional dynamical systems consisting of prey, predator, and pollutants, and then we study the optimal harvest problem. First, we study the prey–predator–pollutant dynamics with scavengers as the only pollution-reducing factor, and then we extend the model by introducing pollution reduction.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Sec. 2, we formulate the model wherein scavenger is the only pollution-reducing factor, and conduct its stability analysis in Sec. 3, followed by the optimal harvest problem presented in Sec. 4. By introducing the pollution reduction effort into the model, we study the system dynamics in Sec. 5 and the optimal harvesting problem with pollution control in Sec. 6. After presenting several practical examples in Sec. 7, we give the concluding remarks in Sec. 8.
2. Model Formulation
Consider an ecosystem consisting of prey, predators, pollution, and scavengers. Toxicants released from external sources (such as industrial wastes) and dead bodies of prey and predators (due to prey–predator interaction and other factors) within the environment are the sources of pollution. Scavengers consume only the dead bodies of prey and predators. Pollution directly affects both prey and predators, which are subject to selective harvesting. The stock of pollutants is reduced by scavengers, absorption by prey and predators, and natural degradation.
Let x(t), y(t), and p(t) represent the densities of prey and predators and the stock of pollutants in the environment at time t, respectively. Then, the model is defined by
Symbol | Description |
r | Intrinsic growth rate of prey species |
k | Environmental carrying capacity of prey species |
𝜃1(𝜃2) | Effect of pollutants on the growth rate of prey (predators) |
b | Effect of predation on the growth rate of prey species |
d | Birth rate of the predator in the presence of prey |
q1(q2) | Catchability coefficient of prey (predator) |
E1(E2) | Harvest effort associated with prey (predator) |
υ | The exogenous input rate of the pollutants into the environment |
γ1(γ2) | Uptake rate of pollutants by prey (predator) |
η1 | Natural death rate of predator |
η2 | Natural degradation of pollutants |
β | Input rate of pollutants due to dead bodies |
𝜀β | Degradation rate of pollutants due to scavengers |
Using the following relations:
The following lemma is quite important for the discussion to come. The proof easily follows from the theorems in [22] which is omitted.
Lemma 2.1. For the initial state (x(0),y(0),p(0)) given in (2.1d), the system (2.1a)–(2.1c) admits a unique nonnegative solution (x(t),y(t),p(t)) for all t≥0. Moreover, the solutions are uniformly bounded.
3. Analysis of the Steady-State Equilibria
This section discusses steady states and the stability behavior pertaining to (2.1a)–(2.1c). Since the stocks are physical quantities, we focus only on the nonnegative equilibria. The system (2.1a)–(2.1c) has the axial equilibrium,
The following theorems discuss the local and global stabilities of the equilibria. The proofs are presented in Appendices A and B at the end of this paper.
Theorem 3.1 (Local stability).
(a) | An axial equilibrium (x0,y0,p0) is locally asymptotically stable whenever r−𝜃1p0−q1E1<0orp0>r−q1E1𝜃1.(3.11) | ||||
(b) | The predator-free equilibrium (¯x,¯y,¯p) is locally asymptotically stable whenever d¯x−η1−q2E2𝜃2<¯p<√rv𝜃1γ1k.(3.12) | ||||
(c) | The interior equilibrium (x∗,y∗,p∗) is locally asymptotically stable whenever ρ2>0,ρ3>0,andρ1ρ2>ρ3,(3.13) ρ1=rkx∗+vp∗,ρ2=rkx∗vp∗+bdx∗y∗−γ2𝜃2y∗p∗−γ1𝜃1x∗p∗,ρ3=bdx∗y∗vp∗+(bγ1−rγ2k−dγ2)𝜃2x∗y∗p∗. |
Theorem 3.2 (Global stability).
(a) | The axial equilibrium (x0,y0,p0) is globally asymptotically stable whenever r−𝜃1p0−q1E1<0and4v(p0)2>(γ22𝜃2p0+η1+q2E2−γ21r−𝜃1p0−q1E1).(3.14) | ||||
(b) | The predator-free equilibrium (¯x,¯y,¯p) is globally asymptotically stable whenever d¯x−𝜃2¯p−η1−q2E2<0and(4rvk¯p2−(𝜃1+γ1)2)(d¯x−𝜃2¯p−η1−q2E2)−b(𝜃1+γ1)γ2+r(γ2)2k+b2v¯p2<0.(3.15) | ||||
(c) | The interior equilibrium (x∗,y∗,p∗) is globally asymptotically stable whenever σ2>0,σ3>0,andσ1σ2>σ3,(3.16) σ1=2rk+2vp∗,σ2=4rvkp∗−[(𝜃2+γ2p∗)2+(d−b)2+(𝜃1+γ1p∗)2],σ3=−[2(d−b)2vp∗+2rk(𝜃2+γ2p∗)2+2(d−b)(𝜃1+γ1p∗)(𝜃2+γ2p∗)]. |
Note that while (3.11) emphasizes the level of environmental pollution at which both species will become extinct (i.e. axial equilibrium is stable), (3.12) indicates the level of pollution at which only prey species may survive (i.e. predator-free equilibrium is stable). Effort E2 has also a major impact on the stability of predator-free equilibrium [see (3.12)].
4. Optimal Harvest Problem
The previous section was devoted to presenting the dynamical behavior of a prey–predator system in the presence of pollution, harvesting, and scavengers. Here, we wish to study an optimal harvest problem on an infinite horizon to maximize the present value of the total net revenues. The problem is given by
Differentiating the current-value Hamiltonian (partially) with respect to E1 and E2 gives
5. Model with Pollution Control
Consider (2.1) with pollution control activities incorporated into the pollution dynamic equation. Let E3 represent the effort devoted to pollution reduction. Then, the modified model is given by
One can verify that the interior equilibrium (X∗,Y∗,P∗) is locally asymptotically stable whenever
6. Optimal Harvesting with Pollution Control
Here, we study an optimal harvesting problem with pollution control. Consider effort E3 allocated toward pollution reduction as another control variable, and c3 is the cost associated with it. Thus, we have a modified optimal control problem as
The current-value Hamiltonian (ℋ) is given by
7. Numerical Simulations
This section presents numerical simulations to demonstrate the significant outcomes of the study. The examples represent the dynamics of prey–predator interactions in a polluted environment in the presence of harvesting and scavengers, where the values assigned to parameters are related to the actual values one might have in the fishery (see [2]).
Example 1 (Stable coexistence in (2.1)). Consider the system (2.1), and the set of parameter values presented in Table 2. The unique interior equilibrium is . Since (3.16) is satisfied, it is globally asymptotically stable. The trajectories approaching this equilibrium for an arbitrary initial position are shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The depiction of global stability of the interior equilibrium for system (2.1). The trajectories approach their respective components starting from the initial position .
Example 2 (Optimal harvest problem). Consider an optimal harvest problem (4.1) with the set of parameter values in Table 2. The optimal (singular) control vector [which uniquely solves (4.9)] is , and the associated optimal stock path is (ton). The sustainable yield corresponding to the optimal control is (ton), and the instantaneous net revenue is (US$/year). The present value of the total net revenues for the first 100 years is
Symbol(s) | Value(s) | Unit |
r | 1/year | |
k | ton | |
1/ton/year | ||
1/ton/year | ||
1/year | ||
1/vessel/year | ||
vessels | ||
vessels | ||
1000 | ton/year | |
1/ton/year | ||
1/year | ||
Dimensionless | ||
) | US$/ton | |
US$/vessel/year | ||
1/year | ||
1/vessel/year |
Example 3 (Predator-free environment). Consider the set of values in Table 2 except for which is given by (vessels) in the present case. Then, the unique predator-free equilibrium of (2.1) is . Since (3.15) is satisfied, the equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable. The trajectories approaching their respective components of this equilibrium for the given initial state are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. The depiction of the global stability of the predator-free equilibrium for system (2.1). The trajectories approach their respective components asymptotically starting from the initial position .
Example 4 (Extinction of the species). Consider the set of values in Table 2 except for which is given by (vessels) in the present case. Then, (3.14) is satisfied, and hence the equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable. The trajectories approaching their respective components of this equilibrium for the given initial state are shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. The depiction of the global stability of an axial equilibrium for system (2.1). The stock trajectories approach their respective components from the initial position .
Example 5 (Optimal harvesting with pollution control). Consider the optimal harvest problem (6.1) with the values assigned to parameters presented in Table 2. The optimal control vector is (vessels) and the associated optimal stock path is (ton). Since (5.10) is satisfied, the equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable. The corresponding sustainable yield is (ton). The instantaneous net revenue is and the present value of the total net revenues for the first 100 years is given by

Fig. 4. The revenue curves for the problems () and () on the interval (year). The curve (dashed) for problem () lies above the curve (solid) for (). The blow-up of a portion of the figure shows their difference clearly.
Example 6 (Influence of pollution reduction on the stock trajectories). Consider the set of values present in Table 2. The unique interior equilibrium of system (5.1) is (ton). This equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable since (5.10) is satisfied. The trajectories approaching their respective components of this equilibrium for the given initial state can be seen in Fig. 5. The figure further highlights a comparison between the stock trajectories of (2.1) and (5.1). Furthermore, if we consider , both systems admit unique predator-free equilibrium points that are globally asymptotically stable. The trajectories approaching their respective components of this equilibrium for the given initial state are presented in Fig. 6. The figure further highlights the comparison between the stock trajectories of (2.1) and (5.1).

Fig. 5. The depiction of the influence of pollution reduction on stock trajectories in the case of coexistence. Let and the other values in Table 2 remain unchanged. The solid and dashed trajectories approach their respective components of the unique interior equilibrium points for (2.1) and (5.1), respectively. We can see that the pollution trajectory has decreased, and the predator trajectory has increased. The prey trajectory has increased initially for a finite time, but the situation gets reversed as time goes on (where the predator population rises).

Fig. 6. The depiction of the influence of pollution reduction on the stocks in the case of a predator-free environment. The solid and dashed curves belong to (2.1) and (5.1), respectively. Here, we consider , , and the other parameters remain unchanged. Observe that the prey trajectory in the presence of pollution reduction is dominant all the time.
8. Conclusion
In this paper, we have presented the dynamics and optimal harvesting of a prey–predator system in the presence of toxicity, scavengers, and pollution reduction. Pollutants released from external sources and the dead bodies of prey and predators (within the environment) are the sources of pollution. Pollution affects both prey and predators, and we have captured its effect through their growth functions. The scavenger is assumed to reduce pollution by consuming the dead bodies, and hence it has a positive impact on resource dynamics. We have studied the existence and stability of the equilibria. Under certain conditions, the given system admits three equilibria that are globally asymptotically stable. We have observed that uncontrolled prey harvesting has the potential to cause extinction of both species regardless of the amount of pollution. On the other hand, a large amount of pollutants may also endanger the existence of the species.
By incorporating pollution reduction into the model, we have studied the dynamics and optimal harvesting of the modified model. We observed that investing in pollution reduction results in a reduction in pollution and a rise in predators. However, the prey population may not increase in general, as an increase in predator species negatively affects the prey population. With the help of Pontryagin’s maximum principle, we have constructed the optimal harvest strategy. The result indicates that a proper investment in pollution reduction enhances not only economic revenue but also the persistence of the system.
No funding was received to assist with the preparation of this manuscript.
Simon D. Zawka https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8814-5516
Appendix A. Proof of Theorem 3.1
System (2.1a)–(2.1c) may be rewritten as
(a) | The Jacobian matrix (A.3) evaluated at an axial equilibrium gives | ||||
(b) | The Jacobian matrix (A.3) evaluated at the predator-free equilibrium is (A.4) (A.5) | ||||
(c) | The Jacobian matrix (A.3) evaluated at the interior equilibrium is (A.6) |
Appendix B. Proof of Theorem 3.2
(a) | Consider the Lyapunov function (B.1) (B.2a) (B.2b) (B.2c) | ||||
(b) | Consider the Lyapunov function (B.3) | ||||
(c) | Consider the Lyapunov function (B.4) (B.5) |