This book is an introduction to the application of nonlinear dynamics to problems of stability, chaos and turbulence arising in continuous media and their connection to dynamical systems. With an emphasis on the understanding of basic concepts, it should be of interest to nearly any science-oriented undergraduate and potentially to anyone who wants to learn about recent advances in the field of applied nonlinear dynamics. Technicalities are, however, not completely avoided. They are instead explained as simply as possible using heuristic arguments and specific worked examples.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview (1,136 KB)
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- Introduction and Overview
- First Steps in Nonlinear Dynamics
- Life and Death of Dissipative Structures
- Nonlinear Dynamics: From Simple to Complex
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Patterns
- Open Flows: Instability and Transition
- Developed Turbulence
- Summary and Perspectives
Readership: Students, researchers and engineers interested in fluid mechanics.
“This book is an excellent addition to the literature on how dynamics may be used to understand and model more complex phenomena such as fluid flow, or pattern formation, written by a leading expert in the field who has contributed to a lot of the original results. It is an ideal choice for scientists, engineers or mathematicians who wish to have a good introduction to the field before moving to the specialized literature either on the physics side or the mathematics and modeling side, and it may serve as a good textbook for related courses.”
Mathematical Reviews