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The search for cleaner, cheaper, smaller and more efficient energy technologies has to a large extent been motivated by the development of new materials. The aim of this collection of articles is therefore to focus on what materials-based solutions can offer and show how the rational design and improvement of their physical and chemical properties can lead to energy-production alternatives that have the potential to compete with existing technologies. In terms of alternative means to generate electricity that utilize renewable energy sources, the most dramatic breakthroughs for both mobile (i.e., transportation) and stationary applications are taking place in the fields of solar and fuel cells. And from an energy-storage perspective, exciting developments can be seen emerging from the fields of rechargeable batteries and hydrogen storage.
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Plasmonics for improved photovoltaic devices (5,419 KB)
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The emerging field of plasmonics has yielded methods for guiding and localizing light at the nanoscale, well below the scale of the wavelength of light in free space. Now plasmonics researchers are turning their attention to photovoltaics, where design approaches based on plasmonics can be used to improve absorption in photovoltaic devices, permitting a considerable reduction in the physical thickness of solar photovoltaic absorber layers, and yielding new options for solar-cell design. In this review,we survey recent advances at the intersection of plasmonics and photovoltaics and offer an outlook on the future of solar cells based on these principles.
Nanoscale systems are forecast to be a means of integrating desirable attributes of molecular and bulk regimes into easily processed materials. Notable examples include plastic light-emitting devices and organic solar cells, the operation of which hinge on the formation of electronic excited states, excitons, in complex nanostructured materials. The spectroscopy of nanoscale materials reveals details of their collective excited states, characterized by atoms or molecules working together to capture and redistribute excitation. What is special about excitons in nanometre-sized materials? Here we present a cross-disciplinary review of the essential characteristics of excitons in nanoscience. Topics covered include confinement effects, localization versus delocalization, exciton binding energy, exchange interactions and exciton fine structure, exciton–vibration coupling and dynamics of excitons. Important examples are presented in a commentary that overviews the present understanding of excitons in quantum dots, conjugated polymers, carbon nanotubes and photosynthetic lightharvesting antenna complexes.
Until now, photovoltaics — the conversion of sunlight to electrical power — has been dominated by solid-state junction devices, often made of silicon. But this dominance is now being challenged by the emergence of a new generation of photovoltaic cells, based, for example, on nanocrystalline materials and conducting polymer films. These offer the prospect of cheap fabrication together with other attractive features, such as flexibility. The phenomenal recent progress in fabricating and characterizing nanocrystalline materials has opened up whole new vistas of opportunity. Contrary to expectation, some of the new devices have strikingly high conversion efficiencies, which compete with those of conventional devices. Here I look into the historical background, and present status and development prospects for this new generation of photoelectrochemical cells.
Low-cost excitonic solar cells based on organic optoelectronic materials are receiving an ever-increasing amount of attention as potential alternatives to traditional inorganic photovoltaic devices. In this rapidly developing field, the dye-sensitized solar cell1 (DSC) has achieved so far the highest validated efficiency of 11.1% (ref. 2) and remarkable stability3. However, the cells with the best performance use volatile solvents in their electrolytes, which may be prohibitive for outdoor solar panels in view of the need for robust encapsulation. Solvent-free roomtemperature ionic liquids4–11 have been pursued as an attractive solution to this dilemma, and device efficiencies of over 7% were achieved by using some low-viscosity formulations containing 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium thiocyanate8, selenocyanate9, tricyanomethide10 or tetracyanoborate11. Unfortunately, apart from tetracyanoborate, all of these low-viscosity melts proved to be unstable under prolonged thermal stress and light soaking.Here, we introduce the concept of using eutectic melts to produce solvent-free liquid redox electrolytes. Using a ternary melt in conjunction with a nanocrystalline titania film and the amphiphilic heteroleptic ruthenium complex Z907Na (ref. 10) as a sensitizer, we reach excellent stability and an unprecedented efficiency of 8.2% under air-mass 1.5 global illumination. Our results are of importance to realize large-scale outdoor applications of mesoscopic DSCs.
The high natural abundance of silicon, together with its excellent reliability and good efficiency in solar cells, suggest its continued use in production of solar energy, on massive scales, for the foreseeable future. Although organics, nanocrystals, nanowires and other new materials hold significant promise, many opportunities continue to exist for research into unconventional means of exploiting silicon in advanced photovoltaic systems. Here, we describe modules that use large-scale arrays of silicon solar microcells created from bulk wafers and integrated in diverse spatial layouts on foreign substrates by transfer printing. The resulting devices can offer useful features, including high degrees of mechanical flexibility, user-definable transparency and ultra thin-form-factor microconcentrator designs. Detailed studies of the processes for creating and manipulating such microcells, together with theoretical and experimental investigations of the electrical, mechanical and optical characteristics of several types of module that incorporate them, illuminate the key aspects.
High charge-separation efficiency combined with the reduced fabrication costs associated with solution processing and the potential for implementation on flexible substrates make ‘plastic’ solar cells a compelling option for tomorrow's photovoltaics1. Attempts to control the donor/acceptor morphology in bulk heterojunction materials as required for achieving high powerconversion efficiency have, however, met with limited success2–4. By incorporating a few volume per cent of alkanedithiols in the solution used to spin-cast films comprising a low-bandgap polymer and a fullerene derivative, the power-conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells (air-mass 1.5 global conditions) is increased from 2.8% to 5.5% through altering the bulk heterojunction morphology5. This discovery can potentially enable morphological control in bulk heterojunction materials where thermal annealing is either undesirable or ineffective…
Bulk heterojunction solar cells have been extensively studied owing to their great potential for cost-effective photovoltaic devices. Although recent advances resulted in the fabrication of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT)/fullerene derivative based solar cells with efficiencies in the range 4.4–5.0%, theoretical calculations predict that the development of novel donor materials with a lower bandgap is required to exceed the power-conversion efficiency of 10%. However, all of the lower bandgap polymers developed so far have failed to reach the efficiency of P3HT-based cells. To address this issue, we synthesized a soluble, intensely coloured platinum metallopolyyne with a low bandgap of 1.85 eV. The solar cells, containing metallopolyyne/fullerene derivative blends as the photoactive material, showed a power-conversion efficiency with an average of 4.1%, without annealing or the use of spacer layers needed to achieve comparable efficiency with P3HT. This clearly demonstrates the potential of metallated conjugated polymers for efficient photovoltaic devices.
Solar cells are attractive candidates for clean and renewable power1,2; with miniaturization, they might also serve as integrated power sources for nanoelectronic systems. The use of nanostructures or nanostructured materials represents a general approach to reduce both cost and size and to improve efficiency in photovoltaics 1–9. Nanoparticles, nanorods and nanowires have been used to improve charge collection efficiency in polymer blend4 and dye-sensitized solar cells5,6, to demonstrate carrier multiplication7, and to enable low-temperature processing of photovoltaic devices3–6. Moreover, recent theoretical studies have indicated that coaxial nanowire structures could improve carrier collection and overall efficiency with respect to single-crystal bulk semiconductors of the same materials8,9. However, solar cells based on hybrid nanoarchitectures suffer from relatively low efficiencies and poor stabilities1. In addition, previous studies have not yet addressed their use as photovoltaic power elements in nanoelectronics. Here we report the realization of p-type/intrinsic/n-type (p-i-n) coaxial silicon nanowire solar cells. Under one solar equivalent (1-sun) illumination, the p-i-n silicon nanowire elements yield a maximum power output of up to 200pW per nanowire device and an apparent energy conversion efficiency of up to 3.4 per cent, with stable and improved efficiencies achievable at high-flux illuminations. Furthermore, we show that individual and interconnected silicon nanowire photovoltaic elements can serve as robust power sources to drive functional nanoelectronic sensors and logic gates. These coaxial silicon nanowire photovoltaic elements provide a new nanoscale test bed for studies of photoinduced energy/charge transport and artificial photosynthesis10, and might find general usage as elements for powering ultralow-power electronics11 and diverse nanosystems12,13.
Low-cost photovoltaic energy conversion using conjugated molecular materials has become increasingly feasible through the development of organic ‘bulk heterojunction (BHJ)’ structures1–7, where efficient light-induced charge separation is enabled by a large-area donor–acceptor interface2,3. The highest efficiencies have been achieved using blends of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and a fullerene derivative8–12, but performance depends critically on the material properties and processing conditions. This variability is believed to be influenced by the self-organizing properties of P3HT, which means that both optical13,14 and electronic15,16 properties are sensitive to the molecular packing. However, the relationship between molecular nanostructure, optoelectronic properties of the blend material and device performance has not yet been demonstrated. Here we focus on the influence of polymer regioregularity (RR) on the molecular nanostructure, and hence on the resulting material properties and device performance. We find a strong influence of RR on solar-cell performance, which can be attributed to enhanced optical absorption and transport resulting from the organization of P3HT chains and domains. Further optimization of devices using the highest RR material resulted in a power conversion efficiency of 4.4%, even without optimization of electrodes7.
In contrast to traditional semiconductors, conjugated polymers provide ease of processing, low cost, physical flexibility and large area coverage1. These active optoelectronic materials produce and harvest light efficiently in the visible spectrum. The same functions are required in the infrared for telecommunications (1,300–1,600 nm), thermal imaging (1,500 nm and beyond), biological imaging (transparent tissue windows at 800 nm and 1,100 nm), thermal photovoltaics (>1,900 nm), and solar cells (800–2,000 nm). Photoconductive polymer devices have yet to demonstrate sensitivity beyond ∼800 nm (refs 2,3). Sensitizing conjugated polymers with infrared-active nanocrystal quantum dots provides a spectrally tunable means of accessing the infrared while maintaining the advantageous properties of polymers. Here we use such a nanocomposite approach in which PbS nanocrystals tuned by the quantum size effect sensitize the conjugated polymer poly[2-methoxy-5-(2′-ethylhexyloxy-p-phenylenevinylene)] (MEH-PPV) into the infrared. We achieve, in a solution-processed device and with sensitivity far beyond 800 nm, harvesting of infrared-photogenerated carriers and the demonstration of an infrared photovoltaic effect. We also make use of the wavelength tunability afforded by the nanocrystals to show photocurrent spectra tailored to three different regions of the infrared spectrum.
Excitonic solar cells1—including organic, hybrid organic–inorganic and dye-sensitized cells (DSCs)—are promising devices for inexpensive, large-scale solar energy conversion. The DSC is currently the most efficient2 and stable3 excitonic photocell. Central to this device is a thick nanoparticle film that provides a large surface area for the adsorption of lightharvesting molecules. However, nanoparticle DSCs rely on trap-limited diffusion for electron transport, a slow mechanism that can limit device efficiency, especially at longer wavelengths.Here we introduce a version of the dye-sensitized cell in which the traditional nanoparticle film is replaced by a dense array of oriented, crystalline ZnO nanowires. The nanowire anode is synthesized by mild aqueous chemistry and features a surface area up to one-fifth as large as a nanoparticle cell. The direct electrical pathways provided by the nanowires ensure the rapid collection of carriers generated throughout the device, and a full Sun efficiency of 1.5% is demonstrated, limited primarily by the surface area of the nanowire array.
Converting solar energy into electricity provides a much-needed solution to the energy crisis the world is facing today. Polymer solar cells have shown potential to harness solar energy in a cost-effective way. Significant efforts are underway to improve their efficiency to the level of practical applications. Here, we report highly efficient polymer solar cells based on a bulk heterojunction of polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene) and methanofullerene. Controlling the active layer growth rate results in an increased hole mobility and balanced charge transport. Together with increased absorption in the active layer, this results in much-improved device performance, particularly in external quantum efficiency. The power-conversion efficiency of 4.4% achieved here is the highest published so far for polymer-based solar cells. The solution process involved ensures that the fabrication cost remains low and the processing is simple. The high efficiency achieved in this work brings these devices one step closer to commercialization.
There has been an active search for cost-effective photovoltaic devices since the development of the first solar cells in the 1950s (refs 1–3). In conventional solid-state solar cells, electron–hole pairs are created by light absorption in a semiconductor, with charge separation and collection accomplished under the influence of electric fields within the semiconductor. Here we report a multilayer photovoltaic device structure in which photon absorption instead occurs in photoreceptors deposited on the surface of an ultrathin metal–semiconductor junction Schottky diode. Photoexcited electrons are transferred to the metal and travel ballistically to—and over—the Schottky barrier, so providing the photocurrent output. Low-energy (∼1 eV) electrons have surprisingly long ballistic path lengths in noble metals4,5, allowing a large fraction of the electrons to be collected.Unlike conventional cells, the semiconductor in this device serves only for majority charge transport and separation. Devices fabricated using a fluorescein photoreceptor on an Au/TiO2/Ti multilayer structure had typical open-circuit photovoltages of 600–800 mV and short-circuit photocurrents of 10–18 μA cm−2 under 100mW cm−2 visible band illumination: the internal quantum efficiency (electrons measured per photon absorbed) was 10 per cent. This alternative approach to photovoltaic energy conversion might provide the basis for durable low-cost solar cells using a variety of materials.
Dye-sensitized nanocrystalline solar cells (DSC) have received considerable attention as a cost-effective alternative to conventional solar cells. One of the main factors that has hampered widespread practical use of DSC is the poor thermostability encountered so far with these devices. Here we show a DSC with unprecedented stable performance under both thermal stress and soaking with light, matching the durability criteria applied to silicon solar cells for outdoor applications. The cell uses the amphiphilic ruthenium sensitizer cis-RuLL′(SCN)2 (L = 4,4′-dicarboxylic acid-2,2′-bipyridine, L′ = 4,4′-dinonyl-2,2′-bipyridine) in conjunction with a quasi-solid-state polymer gel electrolyte, reaching an efficiency of >6% in full sunlight (air mass 1.5,100 mW cm−2). A convenient and versatile new route is reported for the synthesis of the heteroleptic ruthenium complex, which plays a key role in achieving the hightemperature stability. Ultramicroelectrode voltammetric measurements show that the triiodide/iodide couple can perform charge transport freely in the polymer gel. The cell sustained heating for 1,000 h at 80 °C, maintaining 94% of its initial performance. The device also showed excellent stability under light soaking at 55 °C for 1,000 h in a solar simulator (100 mW cm−2) equipped with a ultraviolet filter. The present findings should foster widespread practical application of dye-sensitized solar cells.
The power conversion efficiency of small-molecular-weight and polymer organic photovoltaic cells has increased steadily over the past decade. This progress is chiefly attributable to the introduction of the donor–acceptor heterojunction1,2 that functions as a dissociation site for the strongly bound photogenerated excitons.Further progress was realized in polymer devices through use of blends of the donor and acceptor materials3–5 phase separation during spin-coating leads to a bulk heterojunction that removes the exciton diffusion bottleneck by creating an interpenetrating network of the donor and acceptor materials. The realization of bulk heterojunctions using mixtures of vacuum-deposited smallmolecular-weight materials has, on the other hand, posed elusive: phase separation induced by elevating the substrate temperature inevitably leads to a significant roughening of the film surface and to short-circuited devices.Here, we demonstrate that the use of a metal cap to confine the organic materials during annealing prevents the formation of a rough surface morphology while allowing for the formation of an interpenetrating donor–acceptor network. This method results in a power conversion efficiency 50 per cent higher than the best values reported for comparable bilayer devices, suggesting that this strained annealing process could allow for the formation of low-cost and high-efficiency thin film organic solar cells based on vacuum-deposited smallmolecular-weight organic materials.
Thermoelectric materials, which can generate electricity from waste heat or be used as solid-state Peltier coolers, could play an important role in a global sustainable energy solution. Such a development is contingent on identifying materials with higher thermoelectric efficiency than available at present, which is a challenge owing to the conflicting combination of material traits that are required. Nevertheless,because of modern synthesis and characterization techniques, particularly for nanoscale materials, a new era of complex thermoelectric materials is approaching. We review recent advances in the field, highlighting the strategies used to improve the thermopower and reduce the thermal conductivity.
Approximately 90 per cent of the world's power is generated by heat engines that use fossil fuel combustion as a heat source and typically operate at 30–40 per cent efficiency, such that roughly 15 terawatts of heat is lost to the environment. Thermoelectric modules could potentially convert part of this low-grade waste heat to electricity. Their efficiency depends on the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT of their material components, which is a function of the Seebeck coefficient, electrical resistivity, thermal conductivity and absolute temperature. Over the past five decades it has been challenging to increase ZT>1, since the parameters of ZT are generally interdependent1. While nanostructured thermoelectric materials can increase ZT>1 (refs 2–4), the materials (Bi, Te, Pb, Sb, and Ag) and processes used are not often easy to scale to practically useful dimensions. Here we report the electrochemical synthesis of large-area, wafer-scale arrays of rough Si nanowires that are 20–300nm in diameter. These nanowires have Seebeck coefficient and electrical resistivity values that are the same as doped bulk Si, but those with diameters of about 50 nm exhibit 100-fold reduction in thermal conductivity, yielding ZT=0.6 at room temperature. For such nanowires, the lattice contribution to thermal conductivity approaches the amorphous limit for Si, which cannot be explained by current theories. Although bulk Si is a poor thermoelectricmaterial, by greatly reducing thermal conductivity withoutmuch affecting the Seebeck coefficient and electrical resistivity, Si nanowire arrays show promise as high-performance, scalable thermoelectric materials.
Thermoelectric materials interconvert thermal gradients and electric fields for power generation or for refrigeration1,2. Thermoelectrics currently find only niche applications because of their limited efficiency, which is measured by the dimensionless parameter ZT—a function of the Seebeck coefficient or thermoelectric power, and of the electrical and thermal conductivities.Maximizing ZT is challenging because optimizing one physical parameter often adversely affects another3. Several groups have achieved significant improvements in ZT through multi-component nanostructured thermoelectrics4–6, such as Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3 thin-film superlattices, or embedded PbSeTe quantum dot superlattices. Here we report efficient thermoelectric performance from the single-component system of silicon nanowires for cross-sectional areas of 10 nm × 20 nm and 20 nm × 20 nm. By varying the nanowire size and impurity doping levels, ZT values representing an approximately 100-fold improvement over bulk Si are achieved over a broad temperature range, including ZT≈1 at 200 K.Independent measurements of the Seebeck coefficient, the electrical conductivity and the thermal conductivity, combined with theory, indicate that the improved efficiency originates from phonon effects. These results are expected to apply to other classes of semiconductor nanomaterials.
Thermo electric materials are of interest for applications as heat pumps and power generators. The performance of the thermoelectric devices is quantified by a figure of merit, ZT, where Z is a measure of a material's thermoelectric properties and T is the absolute temperature. A material with figure of merit of around unity was first reported over four decades ago, but since then – despite investigation of various approaches – there has been only modest progress is finding materials with enhanced ZT values at room temperature. Here we report thin-film thermoelectric materials that demonstrate a significant enhancement in ZT at 300 K, compared to state-of-the-art bulk Bi2Te3 alloys. This amounts to a maximum observed factor of ∼2.4 for our p- type Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3 superlattice devices. The enhancement is achieved by controlling the transport of phonons and electrons in the superlattices. Preliminary devices exhibits significant cooling (32 K at around room temperature)and the potential to pump a heat flux of up to 700 W cm−2; the localized cooling and heating occurs some 23,000 times faster than in bulk devices. We anticipate that the combination of performance, power density and speed achieved in these materials will lead to diverse technological applications: for example, in thermochemistry-on-a-chip, DNA microarrays, fibre-optic switches and microelectrothermal systems.
Ionic liquids are room-temperature molten salts, composed mostly of organic ions that may undergo almost unlimited structural variations. This review covers the newest aspects of ionic liquids in applications where their ion conductivity is exploited; as electrochemical solvents for metal/semiconductor electrodeposition, and as batteries and fuel cells where conventional media, organic solvents (in batteries) or water (in polymer-electrolyte-membrane fuel cells), fail. Biology and biomimetic processes in ionic liquids are also discussed. In these decidedly different materials, some enzymes show activity that is not exhibited in more traditional systems, creating huge potential for bioinspired catalysis and biofuel cells. Our goal in this review is to survey the recent key developments and issues within ionic-liquid research in these areas. As well as informing materials scientists, we hope to generate interest in the wider community and encourage others to make use of ionic liquids in tackling scientific challenges.
Electrochemical capacitors, also called supercapacitors, store energy using either ion adsorption (electrochemical double layer capacitors) or fast surface redox reactions (pseudo-capacitors). They can complement or replace batteries in electrical energy storage and harvesting applications, when high power delivery or uptake is needed. A notable improvement in performance has been achieved through recent advances in understanding charge storage mechanisms and the development of advanced nanostructured materials. The discovery that ion desolvation occurs in pores smaller than the solvated ions has led to higher capacitance for electrochemical double layer capacitors using carbon electrodes with subnanometre pores, and opened the door to designing high-energy density devices using a variety of electrolytes. Combination of pseudo-capacitive nanomaterials, including oxides, nitrides and polymers, with the latest generation of nanostructured lithium electrodes has brought the energy density of electrochemical capacitors closer to that of batteries. The use of carbon nanotubes has further advanced micro-electrochemical capacitors, enabling flexible and adaptable devices to be made. Mathematical modelling and simulation will be the key to success in designing tomorrow's high-energy and high-power devices.
New materials hold the key to fundamental advances in energy conversion and storage, both of which are vital in order to meet the challenge of global warming and the finite nature of fossil fuels. Nanomaterials in particular offer unique properties or combinations of properties as electrodes and electrolytes in a range of energy devices. This review describes some recent developments in the discovery of nanoelectrolytes and nanoelectrodes for lithium batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors. The advantages and disadvantages of the nanoscale in materials design for such devices are highlighted.
The past two decades have shown that the exploration of properties on the nanoscale can lead to substantially new insights regarding fundamental issues, but also to novel technological perspectives.Simultaneously it became so fashionable to decorate activities with the prefix ‘nano’ that it has become devalued through overuse. Regardless of fashion and prejudice, this article shows that the crystallizing field of ‘nanoionics’ bears the conceptual and technological potential that justifies comparison with the well-acknowledged area of nanoelectronics. Demonstrating this potential implies both emphasizing the indispensability of electrochemical devices that rely on ion transport and complement the world of electronics, and working out the drastic impact of interfaces and size effects on mass transfer, transport and storage. The benefits for technology are expected to lie essentially in the field of room-temperature devices, and in particular in artificial self-sustaining structures to which both nanoelectronics and nanoionics might contribute synergistically.
Technological improvements in rechargeable solid-state batteries are being driven by an ever-increasing demand for portable electronic devices. Lithium-ion batteries are the systems of choice, offering high energy density, flexible and lightweight design, and longer lifespan than comparable battery technologies. We present a brief historical review of the development of lithium-based rechargeable batteries, highlight ongoing research strategies, and discuss the challenges that remain regarding the synthesis, characterization,electrochemical performance and safety of these systems
Lithium iron phosphate is one of the most promising positive-electrode materials for the next generation of lithium-ion batteries that will be used in electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Lithium deintercalation (intercalation) proceeds through a two-phase reaction between compositions very close to LiFePO4 and FePO4. As both endmember phases are very poor ionic and electronic conductors, it is difficult to understand the intercalation mechanism at themicroscopic scale.Here,we report a characterization of electrochemically deintercalated nanomaterials by X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy that shows the coexistence of fully intercalated and fully deintercalated individual particles. This result indicates that the growth reaction is considerably faster than its nucleation. The reaction mechanism is described by a ‘domino-cascade model’ and is explained by the existence of structural constraints occurring just at the reaction interface: the minimization of the elastic energy enhances the deintercalation (intercalation) process that occurs as a wave moving through the entire crystal. This model opens new perspectives in the search for new electrode materials even with poor ionic and electronic conductivities.
There is great interest in developing rechargeable lithium batteries with higher energy capacity and longer cycle life for applications in portable electronic devices, electric vehicles and implantable medical devices1. Silicon is an attractive anode material for lithium batteries because it has a low discharge potential and the highest known theoretical charge capacity (4,200 mAh g−1; ref. 2). Although this is more than ten times higher than existing graphite anodes and much larger than various nitride and oxide materials3,4, silicon anodes have limited applications5 because silicon's volume changes by 400% upon insertion and extraction of lithium, which results in pulverization and capacity fading2. Here, we show that silicon nanowire battery electrodes circumvent these issues as they can accommodate large strain without pulverization, provide good electronic contact and conduction, and display short lithium insertion distances. We achieved the theoretical charge capacity for silicon anodes and maintained a discharge capacity close to 75% of this maximum, with little fading during cycling.
Lithium-ion batteries have revolutionized the powering of portable electronics. Electrode reactions in these electrochemical systems are based on reversible insertion/deinsertion of Li+ ions into the host electrode material with a concomitant addition/removal of electrons into the host. If such batteries are to find a wider market such as the automotive industry, less expensive positive electrode materials will be required, among which LiFePO4 is a leading contender. An intriguing fundamental problem is to understand the fast electrochemical response from the poorly electronic conducting two-phase LiFePO4/FePO4 system. In contrast to the well-documented two-phase nature of this system at room temperature, we give the first experimental evidence of a solid solution LixFePO4 (0 ≤ X ≤ 1) at 450 °C, and two new metastable phases at room temperature with Li0.75FePO4 and Li0.5FePO4 composition. These experimental findings challenge theorists to improve predictive models commonly used in the field. Our results may also lead to improved performances of these electrodes at elevated temperatures.
The provision of efficient electron and ion transport is a critical issue in an exciting new group ofmaterials based on lithium metal phosphates that are important as cathodes for lithium-ion batteries. Much interest centres on olivine-type LiFePO4, the most prominent member of this family1. Whereas the one-dimensional lithium-ion mobility in this framework is high2, the electronically insulating phosphate groups that benefit the voltage also isolate the redox centres within the lattice. The pristine compound is a very poor conductor (σ ~ 10−9 S cm−1), thus limiting its electrochemical response. One approach to overcome this is to include conductive phases,increasing its capacity to near-theoretical values3–6. There have also been attempts to alter the inherent conductivity of the lattice by doping it with a supervalent ion. Compositions were reported to be black p-type semiconductors with conductivities of ~10−2S cm−1 arising from minority Fe3+ hole carriers7. Our results for doped (and undoped) LiMPO4 (M = Fe, Ni) show that a percolating nano-network of metal-rich phosphides are responsible for the enhanced conductivity. We believe our demonstration of non-carbonaceous-network grain-boundary conduction to be the first in these materials, and that it holds promise for other insulating phosphates.
Lithium transition metal phosphates have become of great interest as storage cathodes for rechargeable lithium batteries because of their high energy density, low raw materials cost, environmental friendliness and safety. Their key limitation has been extremely low electronic conductivity, until now believed to be intrinsic to this family of compounds. Here we show that controlled cation nonstoichiometry combined with solid-solution doping by metals supervalent to Li+ increases the electronic conductivity of LiFePO4 by a factor of ~108. The resulting materials show near-theoretical energy density at low charge/discharge rates, and retain significant capacity with little polarization at rates as high as 6,000 mA g−1. In a conventional cell design, they may allow development of lithium batteries with the highest power density yet.
Fuel cells will undoubtedly find widespread use in this new millennium in the conversion of chemical to electrical energy, as they offer very high efficiencies and have unique scalability in electricity-generation applications. The solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is one of the most exciting of these energy technologies; it is an all-ceramic device that operates at temperatures in the range 500–1,000°C. The SOFC offers certain advantages over lower temperature fuel cells, notably its ability to use carbon monoxide as a fuel rather than being poisoned by it, and the availability of high-grade exhaust heat for combined heat and power, or combined cycle gas-turbine applications. Although cost is clearly the most important barrier to widespread SOFC implementation, perhaps the most important technical barriers currently being addressed relate to the electrodes, particularly the fuel electrode or anode. In terms of mitigating global warming, the ability of the SOFC to use commonly available fuels at high efficiency, promises an effective and early reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, and hence is one of the lead new technologies for improving the environment. Here, we discuss recent developments of SOFC fuel electrodes that will enable the better use of readily available fuels.
Fuel cells convert chemical energy directly into electrical energy with high efficiency and low emission of pollutants. However, before fuel-cell technology can gain a significant share of the electrical power market, important issues have to be addressed. These issues include optimal choice of fuel, and the development of alternative materials in the fuel-cell stack. Present fuel-cell prototypes often use materials selected more than 25 years ago. Commercialization aspects, including cost and durability, have revealed inadequacies in some of these materials. Here we summarize recent progress in the search and development of innovative alternative materials.
The development of anhydrous proton-conductive materials operating at temperatures above 80 °C is a challenge that needs to be met for practical applications. Herein, we propose the new idea of encapsulation of a proton-carrier molecule—imidazole in this work—in aluminium porous coordination polymers for the creation of a hybridized proton conductor under anhydrous conditions. Tuning of the host–guest interaction can generate a good proton-conducting path at temperatures above 100 °C. The dynamics of the adsorbed imidazole strongly affect the conductivity determined by 2H solid-state NMR.Isotope measurements of conductivity using imidazole-d4 showed that the proton-hopping mechanism was dominant for the conducting path. This work suggests that the combination of guest molecules and a variety of microporous frameworks would afford highly mobile proton carriers in solids and gives an idea for designing a new type of proton conductor, particularly for high-temperature and anhydrous conditions.
The structure of the Nafion ionomer used in proton-exchange membranes of H2/O2 fuel cells has long been contentious. Using a recently introduced algorithm, we have quantitatively simulated previously published small-angle scattering data of hydrated Nafion.The characteristic ‘ionomer peak’ arises from long parallel but otherwise randomly packed water channels surrounded by partially hydrophilic side branches, forming inverted-micelle cylinders. At 20 vol% water, the water channels have diameters of between 1.8 and 3.5 nm, with an average of 2.4 nm. Nafion crystallites (~10 vol%), which form physical crosslinks that are crucial for the mechanical properties of Nafion films, are elongated and parallel to the water channels, with cross-sections of ~(5nm)2. Simulations for various other models of Nafion, including Gierke's cluster and the polymer-bundle model, do not match the scattering data. The new model can explain important features of Nafion, including fast diffusion of water and protons through Nafion and its persistence at low temperatures.
Fuel cells, as devices for direct conversion of the chemical energy of a fuel into electricity by electrochemical reactions, are among the key enabling technologies for the transition to a hydrogenbased economy1–3. Of several different types of fuel cells under development today, polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) have been recognized as a potential future power source for zeroemission vehicles4,5. However, to become commercially viable, PEFCs have to overcome the barrier of high catalyst cost caused by the exclusive use of platinum and platinum-based catalysts6–8 in the fuel-cell electrodes. Here we demonstrate a new class of lowcost (non-precious metal)/(heteroatomic polymer) nanocomposite catalysts for the PEFC cathode, capable of combining high oxygen-reduction activity with good performance durability. Without any optimization, the cobalt-polypyrrole composite catalyst enables power densities of about 0.15 Wcm−2 in H2-O2 fuel cells and displays no signs of performance degradation for more than 100 hours. The results of this study show that heteroatomic polymers can be used not only to stabilize the nonprecious metal in the acidic environment of the PEFC cathode but also to generate active sites for oxygen reduction reaction.
Point defects largely govern the electrochemical properties of oxides: at low defect concentrations, conductivity increases with concentration; however, at higher concentrations, defect–defect interactions start to dominate1,2. Thus, in searching for electrochemically active materials for fuel cell anodes, high defect concentration is generally avoided. Here we describe an oxide anode formed from lanthanum-substituted strontium titanate (La-SrTiO3) in which we control the oxygen stoichiometry in order to break down the extended defect intergrowth regions and create phaseswith considerable disordered oxygen defects. We substitute Ti in these phases with Ga and Mn to induce redox activity and allow more flexible coordination. The material demonstrates impressive fuel cell performance using wet hydrogen at 950 °C. It is also important for fuel cell technology to achieve efficient electrode operation with different hydrocarbon fuels3,4, although such fuels are more demanding than pure hydrogen. The best anode materials to date—Ni-YSZ (yttriastabilized zirconia) cermets5—suffer some disadvantages related to low tolerance to sulphur6, carbon build-up when using hydrocarbon fuels7 (though device modifications and lower temperature operation can avoid this8,9) and volume instability on redox cycling. Our anode material is very active for methane oxidation at high temperatures, with open circuit voltages in excess of 1.2V. The materials design concept that we use here could lead to devices that enable more-efficient energy extraction from fossil fuels and carbon-neutral fuels.
Fuel cells directly and efficiently convert chemical energy to electrical energy1. Of the various fuel cell types, solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) combine the benefits of environmentally benign power generation with fuel flexibility. However, the necessity for high operating temperatures (800–1,000 °C) has resulted in high costs and materials compatibility challenges As a consequence, significant effort has been devoted to the development of intermediate-temperature (500–700 °C) SOFCs. A key obstacle to reduced-temperature operation of SOFCs is the poor activity of traditional cathode materials for electrochemical reduction of oxygen in this temperature regime2. Here we present Ba0.5Sr0.5-Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ(BSCF) as a new cathode material for reduced temperature SOFC operation. BSCF, incorporated into a thin-film doped ceria fuel cell, exhibits high power densities (1,010 mW cm−2 and 402 mW cm−2 at 600 °C and 500 °C, respectively) when operated with humidified hydrogen as the fuel and air as the cathode gas. We further demonstrate that BSCF is ideally suited to ‘single-chamber’ fuel-cell operation, where anode and cathode reactions take place within the same physical chamber3. The high power output of BSCF cathodes results from the high rate of oxygen diffusion through the material. By enabling operation at reduced temperatures, BSCF cathodes may result in widespread practical implementation of SOFCs.
Solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) promise high efficiencies in a range of fuels. Unlike lower temperature variants, carbon monoxide is a fuel rather than a poison, and so hydrocarbon fuels can be used directly, through internal reforming or even direct oxidation. This provides a key entry strategy for fuel-cell technology into the current energy economy. Present development is mainly based on the yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) electrolyte1. The most commonly used anode materials are Ni/YSZ cermets,which display excellent catalytic properties for fuel oxidation and good current collection, but do exhibit disadvantages,such as low tolerance to sulphur2 and carbon deposition3 when using hydrocarbon fuels, and poor redox cycling causing volume instability. Here, we report a nickel-free SOFC anode, La0.75Sr0.25Cr0.5Mn0.5O3, with comparable electrochemical performance to Ni/YSZ cermets. The electrode polarization resistance approaches 0.2 Ω cm2 at 900 °C in 97% H2/3% H2O. Very good performance is achieved for methane oxidation without using excess steam. The anode is stable in both fuel and air conditions, and shows stable electrode performance in methane. Thus both redox stability and operation in low steam hydrocarbons have been demonstrated, overcoming two of the major limitations of the current generation of nickel zirconia cermet SOFC anodes.
Mobility — the transport of people and goods — is a socioeconomic reality that will surely increase in the coming years. It should be safe, economic and reasonably clean. Little energy needs to be expended to overcome potential energy changes, but a great deal is lost through friction (for cars about 10 kWh per 100 km) and low-efficiency energy conversion. Vehicles can be run either by connecting them to a continuous supply of energy or by storing energy on board. Hydrogen would be ideal as a synthetic fuel because it is lightweight, highly abundant and its oxidation product (water) is environmentally benign, but storage remains a problem. Here we present recent developments in the search for innovative materials with high hydrogen-storage capacity.
The production of hydrogen from water using a catalyst and solar energy is an ideal future energy source, independent of fossil reserves. For an economical use of water and solar energy, catalysts that are sufficiently efficient, stable, inexpensive and capable of harvesting light are required. Here, we show that an abundant material, polymeric carbon nitride, can produce hydrogen from water under visible-light irradiation in the presence of a sacrificial donor. Contrary to other conducting polymer semiconductors, carbon nitride is chemically and thermally stable and does not rely on complicated device manufacturing. The results represent an important first step towards photosynthesis in general where artificial conjugated polymer semiconductors can be used as energy transducers.
The safe and efficient storage of hydrogen is widely recognized as one of the key technological challenges in the transition towards a hydrogen-based energy economy1,2. Whereas hydrogen for transportation applications is currently stored using cryogenics or high pressure, there is substantial research and development activity in the use of novel condensed-phase hydride materials.However, the multiple-target criteria accepted as necessary for the successful implementation of such stores have not yet been met by any single material. Ammonia borane, NH3BH3, is one of a number of condensed-phase compounds that have received significant attention because of its reported release of ~12wt% hydrogen at moderate temperatures (~150°C). However, the hydrogen purity suffers from the release of trace quantities of borazine. Here, we report that the related alkali-metal amidoboranes, LiNH2BH3 and NaNH2BH3, release ~10.9wt% and ~7.5wt% hydrogen, respectively, at significantly lower temperatures (~90°C) with no borazine emission. The low temperature release of a large amount of hydrogen is significant and provides the potential to fulfill many of the principal criteria required for an on-board hydrogen store.
The pace of materials discovery for heterogeneous catalysts and electrocatalysts could, in principle, be accelerated by the development of efficient computational screening methods. This would require an integrated approach, where the catalytic activity and stability of new materials are evaluated and where predictions are benchmarked by careful synthesis and experimental tests. In this contribution, we present a density functional theory-based, high-throughput screening scheme that successfully uses these strategies to identify a new electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The activity of over 700 binary surface alloys is evaluated theoretically; the stability of each alloy in electrochemical environments is also estimated. BiPt is found to have a predicted activity comparable to, or even better than, pure Pt, the archetypical HER catalyst. This alloy is synthesized and tested experimentally and shows improved HER performance compared with pure Pt, in agreement with the computational screening results.
The storage of large quantities of hydrogen at safe pressures1 is a key factor in establishing a hydrogen-based economy. Previous strategies—where hydrogen has been bound chemically2, adsorbed in materials with permanent void space3 or stored in hybrid materials that combine these elements3—have problems arising from either technical considerations or materials cost2–5. A recently reported6–8 clathrate hydrate of hydrogen exhibiting two different-sized cages does seem to meet the necessary storage requirements; however, the extreme pressures (∼2 kbar) required to produce the material make it impractical. The synthesis pressure can be decreased by filling the larger cavity with tetrahydrofuran (THF) to stabilize the material9, but the potential storage capacity of the material is compromised with this approach. Here we report that hydrogen storage capacities in THF-containing binary-clathrate hydrates can be increased to ∼4 wt% at modest pressures by tuning their composition to allow the hydrogen guests to enter both the larger and the smaller cages, while retaining low-pressure stability. The tuning mechanism is quite general and convenient, using water-soluble hydrate promoters and various small gaseous guests.
Concerns about the depletion of fossil fuel reserves and the pollution caused by continuously increasing energy demands make hydrogen an attractive alternative energy source.Hydrogen is currently derived from nonrenewable natural gas and petroleum1, but could in principle be generated from renewable resources such as biomass or water. However, efficient hydrogen production from water remains difficult and technologies for generating hydrogen from biomass, such as enzymatic decomposition of sugars2–5, steam-reforming of bio-oils6–8 and gasification9, suffer from low hydrogen production rates and/or complex processing requirements. Here we demonstrate that hydrogen can be produced from sugars and alcohols at temperatures near 500 K in a single-reactor aqueous-phase reforming process using a platinum-based catalyst.We are able to convert glucose—which makes up the major energy reserves in plants and animals—to hydrogen and gaseous alkanes, with hydrogen constituting 50% of the products. We find that the selectivity for hydrogen production increases when we use molecules that are more reduced than sugars, with ethylene glycol and methanol being almost completely converted into hydrogen and carbon dioxide. These findings suggest that catalytic aqueous-phase reforming might prove useful for the generation of hydrogen-rich fuel gas from carbohydrates extracted from renewable biomass and biomass waste streams.
The photocatalytic splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen using solar energy is a potentially clean and renewable source for hydrogen fuel. The first photocatalysts suitable for water splitting1, or for activating hydrogen production from carbohydrate compounds made by plants from water and carbondioxide2, were developed several decades ago. But these catalysts operate with ultraviolet light, which accounts for only 4% of the incoming solar energy and thus renders the overall process impractical. For this reason, considerable efforts have been invested in developing photocatalysts capable of using the less energetic but more abundant visible light3–7, which accounts for about 43% of the incoming solar energy. However, systems that are sufficiently stable and efficient for practical use have not yet been realized. Here we show that doping of indium-tantalum-oxide with nickel yields a series of photocatalysts, In1−xNixTaO4(x=0–0.2), which induces direct splitting of water into stoichiometric amounts of oxygen and hydrogen under visible light irradiation with a quantum yield of about 0.66%. Our findings suggest that the use of solar energy for photocatalytic water splitting might provide a viable source for ‘clean’ hydrogen fuel, once the catalytic efficiency of the semiconductor system has been improved by increasing its surface area and suitable modifications of the surface sites.
Twenty years ago in a series of amazing discoveries it was found that a large family of ceramic cuprate materials exhibited superconductivity at temperatures above, and in some cases well above, that of liquid nitrogen. Imaginations were energized by the thought of applications for zero-resistance conductors cooled with an inexpensive and readily available cryogen. Early optimism, however, was soon tempered by the hard realities of these new materials: brittle ceramics are not easily formed into long flexible conductors; high current levels require near-perfect crystallinity; and — the downside of high transition temperature — performance drops rapidly in a magnetic field. Despite these formidable obstacles, thousands of kilometres of high-temperature superconducting wire have now been manufactured for demonstrations of transmission cables, motors and other electrical power components. The question is whether the advantages of superconducting wire, such as efficiency and compactness, can outweigh the disadvantage: cost. The remaining task for materials scientists is to return to the fundamentals and squeeze as much performance as possible from these wonderful and difficult materials.
Large-scale superconducting electric devices for power industry depend critically on wires with high critical current densities at temperatures where cryogenic losses are tolerable. This restricts choice to two high-temperature cuprate superconductors, (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox and YBa2Cu3Ox, and possibly to MgB2, recently discovered to superconduct at 39 K. Crystal structure and material anisotropy place fundamental restrictions on their properties, especially in polycrystalline form. So far, power applications have followed a largely empirical, twin-track approach of conductor development and construction of prototype devices. The feasibility of superconducting power cables, magnetic energy-storage devices, transformers, fault current limiters and motors, largely using (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox conductor, is proven. Widespread applications now depend significantly on cost-effective resolution of fundamental materials and fabrication issues, which control the production of low-cost, high-performance conductors of these remarkable compounds.
Understanding new superconductors requires high-quality epitaxial thin films to explore intrinsic electromagnetic properties and evaluate device applications1–9. So far, superconducting properties of ferropnictide thin films seem compromised by imperfect epitaxial growth and poor connectivity of the superconducting phase10–14. Here we report new template engineering using single-crystal intermediate layers of (001) SrTiO3 and BaTiO3 grown on various perovskite substrates that enables genuine epitaxial films of Co-doped BaFe2As2 with a high transition temperature (Tc,ρ=0 of 21.5 K, where ρ = resistivity), a small transition width (δTc = 1.3 K), a superior critical current density Jc of 4.5 MA cm−2 (4.2 K) and strong c-axis flux pinning. Implementing SrTiO3 or BaTiO3 templates to match the alkaline-earth layer in the Ba-122 with the alkaline-earth/oxygen layer in the templates opens new avenues for epitaxial growth of ferropnictides on multifunctional single-crystal substrates. Beyond superconductors, it provides a framework for growing heteroepitaxial intermetallic compounds on various substrates by matching interfacial layers between templates and thin-film overlayers.
There are numerous potential applications for superconducting tapes based on YBa2Cu3O7−x (YBCO) films coated onto metallic substrates1. A long-established goal of more than 15 years has been to understand the magnetic-flux pinning mechanisms that allow films to maintain high current densities out to high magnetic fields2. In fact, films carry one to two orders of magnitude higher current densities than any other form of the material3. For this reason, the idea of further improving pinning has received little attention. Now that commercialization of YBCO-tape conductors is much closer, an important goal for both better performance and lower fabrication costs is to achieve enhanced pinning in a practical way. In this work, we demonstrate a simple and industrially scaleable route that yields a 1.5–5-fold improvement in the in-magnetic-field current densities of conductors that are already of high quality.
“In these days of global warming, oil insecurity, and other problems with fossil fuels, the book is just what the world needs now. The book's strong scientific base in the Nature Publishing Group, and its excellent selection of such key energy fields as energy storage technologies, guarantees its usefulness in informing scientists, technologists, business people, and citizens about the latest materials research.”
“This is a key resource for researchers working at the cross-roads of cutting edge materials science and applications to renewable energy technologies. At no time in our history has the need for rapid progress in efficient energy generation, storage and transmission been more acute — and this volume provides up-to-date knowledge that speaks directly about these issues! It is a must-have and must-read for all researchers and students in the field!”
“Limited global energy resources are arguably the greatest crisis facing mankind today. This volume includes some of the best recent work on materials to meet these needs. It is truly a must-read for anyone interested in the latest and greatest work in energy science.”
“This volume focuses on materials-based solutions to the energy problem through a series of case studies illustrating advances in sustainable energy-related materials research. The research studies employ creativity, discovery, rationale design and improvement of the physical and chemical properties of materials leading to new paradigms for competitive energy-production using sustainable materials. These papers are outstanding examples of this growing material research field, which will be of growing importance in research and technology.”
“Materials science is an important enabler of scientific discovery, and many of the groundbreaking results appear in Nature. This volume is an important collection of some of the best of these papers with a concentration in those materials relevant for energy, making it a valuable reference. This is a very valuable reference for students or researchers in material science or nanoscience.”
“Real impact in this field will require an integrated approach, from materials to systems, and this collection of papers from researchers impacting materials for energy is a considerable reference. It is an absolutely must-have for serious researchers worldwide.”
Sample Chapter(s)
Plasmonics for improved photovoltaic devices (5,419k)