Superconductivity and Superconductors
The following sections are included:
Introduction and Brief History
Meissner Effect
“Conventional” (Low Temperature) Superconductors
The Discovery of High Temperature Superconductors
Present Situation in High TC Superconductor Research
Superconducting Properties and Measurements
DC Resistivity
Specific Heat
Thermoelectric Effect and Thermal Conductivity
Superconducting Circuits
Magnetic Properties of Superconductors — Meissner Effect
Type I and Type II Superconductors
TC and JC Measurement — “Four-Point” Method
The Relations Between TC, JC and HC
BCS Theory of Superconductivity
Conventional (Low Tc) Superconductors
Pure Elements
Alloys, Intermetallics and Chemical Compounds
High Tc Superconductors
Y-Ba-Cu-O Superconductor System (YBCO)
Structure of Y123
Properties of Y123
Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (BSCCO) Superconductor System
Tl Superconducting Compounds
Application of Superconducting Materials
Superconducting Magnets
Electric Power Utilities
Transportation Tools
Electronics and Thin Film Applications
Josephson Effect
SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device)
Important Concepts