As indicated in the Preface, the theme of this book is Integrative Bioengineering, which brings together the fundamental concepts and techniques in engineering and biomedical sciences and demonstrates their interplays. It is organized in a cohesive manner to facilitate learning and to stimulate innovation. There are eight sections that are composed of 30 chapters. Section I is introductory in nature, and it is followed by Secs. II to IV that cover the bioengineering of several organ systems, with a close relation to physiology, i.e. Cardiovascular Bioengineering, Blood Cell Bioengineering, and Respiratory-Renal Bioengineering. Sections V to VII present three new areas of developments in bioengineering, viz. Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, and Genomic Engineering & Systems Biology. The last section (VIII) addresses the important socio-economical aspects of bioengineering.