Use of Enzyme Artificial Cells for Genetic Enzyme Defects that Increase Systemic Substrates to Toxic Levels
The following sections are included:
Enzyme replacement therapy
Acatalasemia: Congenital Defect in the Enzyme Catalase
Preliminary Study on the Use of Catalase Artificial Cells to Replace Defective Catalase in Acatalasemia
Implantation of catalase artificial cells
Catalase artificial cells retained in a chamber for body fluid perfusion
In Vivo Kinetics of Catalase Artificial Cells for Acatalasemic Mice
Methods of preparation of catalase artificial cells and experimental procedures
Characteristics of acatalasemic mice
Kinetics of recovery of injected perborate
Immunological Studies on Catalase Artificial Cells in Acatalasemic Mice
Effects of immunizing doses of catalase solution and catalase artificial cells on antibody production
Permeability of membrane of collodion artificial cells to catalase antibody
Response of immunized acatalasemic mice to injections of catalase artificial cells or catalase solution
Appearance of catalase activity in the blood after injection of catalase solution or catalase artificial cells
Conclusion from Results of Basic Study Using the Acatalasemic Mice Model
Oral Xanthine Oxidase Artificial Cells in a Patient with Lesch-Nyhan Disease
Volume ratio of artificial cells/substrate solution
Effects of pH on enzyme activity
Patient with Lesch-Nyhan disease
Conclusion Based on Study
Phenylketonuria: Genetic Defect in Enzyme Phenylalanine Hydroxylase
Enzyme replacement therapy
Oral PAL artificial cells for PKU based on novel theory of enterorecirculation of amino acids
Research Leading to Proposal of Enterorecirculation of Amino Acids
Classical theory of the main source of amino acids in the intestinal lumen
Research to test the classical theory
Animals on 24 h of protein-free diet
Results of study
Proposed theory of extensive enterorecirculation of amino acids
Oral Enzyme Artificial Cells for Genetic Enzyme Defects that Result in Elevated Systemic Amino Acid Levels
General design for study of use of oral PAL artificial cells in PKU rats
Methods of preparation ofcatalase artificial cells and experiment procedures
Phenylketonuria rat model
Intestinal phenylalanine
Plasma PHE levels in PKU rats
CSF cerebrospinal fluid in PKU rats
Growth as shown by body weight changes
Congenital PKU mice model
Summary discussion
Oral enzyme artificial cells to deplete other amino acids