This is the first book that provides a comprehensive review of the entire area of artificial cells. The author, a pioneer of the field, invented the first artificial cells some 50 years ago and has continued to carry out active research in this field. Since then, there have been explosive research activities around the world on artificial cells, especially in fields related to biotechnology, nanomedicine, cell therapy, blood substitutes, drug delivery and others. However, instead of the term “artificial cells,” many authors use other terminologies such as blood substitutes, bioencapsulation, liposomes, nanoparticles and so on. Furthermore, papers in this highly interdisciplinary area are published in numerous journals specializing in chemistry, medicine, surgery, bioengineering and others, while books in this area are mostly multi-authored, describing very specific and narrow areas. As a result, any meaningful literature search for a complete idea of the present status of the whole field of artificial cells is impossible.
This monograph is written to fill this gap by including all those areas in artificial cells that are disguised under different terminologies. Each chapter begins with a detailed overview, followed by detailed examples of the author's own research and a full description of his methods and procedures. Readers interested in a detailed overview of the whole area can read from cover to cover, omitting the methods section at the end of each chapter; while those entering this area of research will find the detailed methods and procedures very useful.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: 50th Anniversary of Artificial Cells (193 KB)
- 50th Anniversary of Artificial Cells
- Basic Principles
- Oxygen Carriers Based on Nanobiotechnology
- A Nanobiotechnologic Therapeutic that Transports Oxygen and Remove Oxygen Radicals: For Stroke, Hemorrhagic Shock and Related Conditions
- Nanotechnology-Based Artificial Red Blood Cells (RBCs)
- Use of Enzyme Artificial Cells for Genetic Enzyme Defects that Increase Systemic Substrates to Toxic Levels
- Enzyme Artificial Cells in Substrate-Dependent Tumors and Activation of Prodrug
- Artificial Cells for Cell Encapsulation
- Artificial Cells Containing Hepatocytes and/or Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine
- Hemoperfusion in Poisoning, Kidney Failure, Liver Failure, and Immunology
- Perspectives on the Future of Artificial Cells as Suggested by Past Research
Readership: Academic and industrial researchers and developers in biomedical engineering, bioengineering, biopharmaceuticals, blood substitutes, nanomedicine, regenerative medicine, transfusion medicine; decision makers in biopharmaceutical industries; physicians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, blood bank hematologists; students taking advance courses, graduate students, postdoctoral research fellows and research scientists entering this area of research and development.
“This volume is the most comprehensive review of the field of artificial cells and associated fields published to date. It refreshes the knowledge of the experts while informing the naive of the history and promise of the future. Written in a conversational style and very well illustrated for fact and emphasis, it is an easy and informative read. Presented in easily accessible form are the underlying theories and concepts of artificial cells, blood substitutes, nanomedicine, regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy in the context of specific clinical situations ranging from general to very specific diseases. Basic science observations support the tested or proposed clinical applications in an exact manner. This volume contains a near encyclopedia quantity of information, carefully and logically assembled and presented. Future developments in the field will depend on the essential information presented here. An essential read for anyone interested in this field, the vision and foresight of this senior scientist and leading statesman of the field makes the topic accessible and understandable.”
A Gerson Greenburg, MD, PhD
Professor of Surgery, Emeritus
Brown University
Vice President Medical Affairs
Biopure Corporation