The first normal ordering problem involves bosonic harmonic oscillator creation and annihilation operators (Heisenberg algebra). It is related to the problem of finding the finite transformation generated by Lk−1 := −zk ∂z, k ∈ ℤ, z ∈ ℂ (conformal algebra generators). It can be formulated in terms of a subclass of Sheffer polynomials called Jabotinsky polynomials. The coefficients of these polynomials furnish generalized Stirling number triangles of the second kind, called S2(k;n,m) for k ∈ ℤ. Generalized Stirling-numbers of the first kind, S1(k;n, m) are also defined.
The second normal ordering problem appears in thermo-field dynamics for the harmonic Bose oscillator. Again Sheffer polynomials appear. They relate to Euler numbers and iterated sums of squares. In a different approach to this problem one solves the differential-difference equation fn+1 = f'n + n2 fn-1, n > = 1, with certain inputs f0 and f1 = f'0.
In this case the integer coefficients of the special Sheffer polynomials which emerge have an interpretation as sum over multinomials for some subset of partitions.