The following sections are included:
Lie Algebras and its Structure Constants
The Global Property of a Lie Group
The Local Property of a Lie Group
The Lie Algebra
The Killing Form and the Cartan Criteria
The Regular Form of a Semisimple Lie Algebra
The Inner Product in a Semisimple Lie Algebra
The Cartan Subalgebra
Regular Commutative Relations of Generators
The Inner Product of Roots
Positive Roots and Simple Roots
Classification of Simple Lie Algebras
Angle between Two Simple Roots
Dynkin Diagrams
The Cartan Matrix
Classical Simple Lie Algebras
The SU(N) Group and its Lie Algebra
The SO(N) Group and its Lie Algebra
The USp(2ℓ) Group and its Lie Algebra
Representations of a Simple Lie Algebra
Representations and Weights
Weight Chain and Weyl Reflections
Mathematical Property of Representations
Fundamental Dominant Weights
The Casimir Operator of Order 2
Main Data of Simple Lie Algebras
Lie Algebra Aℓ and Lie Group SU(ℓ + 1)
Lie Algebra Bℓ and Lie Group SO(2ℓ + 1)
Lie Algebra Cℓ and Lie Group USp(2ℓ)
Lie Algebra Dℓ and Lie Group SO(2ℓ)
Lie Algebra G2
Lie Algebra F4
Lie Algebra E6
Lie Algebra E7
Lie Algebra E8
Block Weight Diagrams
Chevalley Bases
Orthonormal Basis States
Method of Block Weight Diagram
Some Representations of A2
Some Representations of C3
Planar Weight Diagrams
Clebsch–Gordan Coefficients
Representations in the CG Series
Method of Dominant Weight Diagram
Reductions of Direct Product Representations in A2