The Center of Dewdney's Radiolarian
Described here is a computer-generated image inspired by an article by A. K. Dewdney. The article appeared in [1]. It included a number of images called biomorphs. One in particular, Dewdney called a radiolarian. I was interested in obtaining a detailed view of the center of the radiolarian. Figure 1 is the result, using the program below with an EGA-EPSON screen dump. Dewdney provided a program to generate biomorphs which “follows Pickover's basic algorithm”. The program is suggestive and not in a ready-terun form. The program below runs in QUICKBASIC where screen 9 may be used for better resolution. The purpose of the aspect ratio, 5/6, at the end of line 1000 is to make the image come out square on the printer. The program will also run in BASIC using screen 2, using 100 in place of 175 in line 1000, and using the appropriate aspect ratio…