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Liquid Crystals: Frontiers in Biomedical Applications cover

The confluence of the fields of liquid crystals and biomedical engineering is resulting in remarkable interdisciplinary research. This book focuses on the potential for inherently translational research in one field of engineering to radically alter the scope of another. The text reviews the exciting advances being made in displays, spectroscopy, sensors and diagnostics, biomimicking, actuators and lasers with regards to liquid crystalline materials, and biomedicine. The liquid crystal field — which has delivered revolutionary devices in the display, optics, and telecommunications industries — is now poised to make significant inroads into biology, medicine, and biomedical engineering.

Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1.1: Liquid Crystals: A Unique Phase of Matter (1,573 KB)

  • Liquid Crystals: A Unique Phase of Matter (G P Crawford & S J Woltman)
  • Medical Displays (F Y Biga et al.)
  • Liquid Crystals in Spectroscopy, Microscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging (J W McMurdy et al.)
  • Liquid Crystal Biosensors (M K McCamley et al.)
  • Liquid Crystal Lasers (S J Woltman)
  • Biomimicking with Liquid Crystals (S J Woltman et al.)
  • Actuators and Delivery Systems (L J Shelton et al.)

Readership: The interdisciplinary nature of this text allows for a broad potential readership: professors, graduate or upper-level undergraduate students, researchers, and industry/medical professionals active in the fields of liquid crystals and biomedical engineering.