Chapter 4: Urban and Rural Communities
Community construction is an important part of social construction. The microscopic community construction is a starting point and key to macroscopic social construction, and it is also a fundamental project promoting social development. At present, our country is at a new historical turning point and transition period. Since the rapid developments focusing on economic construction for more than 30 years, the face of urban and rural communities has changed dramatically with the reform of the “unit” system (unit here refers to departments, offices, locations where a worker or employee works), the process of urbanization and a huge moving of population. Therefore, it has become necessary and even urgent to implement community construction. However, the current government-led community construction has not broken through the limitation on the thinking left behind from the period of planned economy, and this has caused much confusion. These unsolved problems will be the main aims for community construction in the future. As long as every urban-rural grassroots community is harmonious, the harmony of the whole society will become a reality. Undoubtedly, it is an important part of social modernization that China should construct a new brand of community based on diversification, vitality and public-oriented management.