Many-body Green functions in nuclear physics
Our contribution is dedicated to the memory of G.E. Brown on the occasion of his 90th birthday. JS: He was my friend and teacher. His seminal article1 on Landau, Bruechner-Bethe, and Migdal theories of Fermi Systems had a strong influence on my research
Many-body Green functions are a very efficient formulation of the many-body problem. We review the application of this method to nuclear physics problems. The formulas which can be derived are of general applicability, e.g., in self-consistent as well as in nonself-consistent calculations. With the help of the Landau renormalization, one obtains relations without any approximations. This allows to apply conservation laws which lead to important general relations. We investigate the one-body and two-body Green functions as well as the three-body Green function and discuss their connection to nuclear observables. The generalization to systems with pair correlations are also presented. Numerical examples are compared with experimental data.