This memorial volume is dedicated to physicist Gerald E Brown (1926–2013) or 'Gerry' as he was known to his many students, postdocs, colleagues and friends. As written by one of the contributors to this book, "Gerry was an inspiring father figure for generations of theoretical nuclear physicists and a great human being".
This book covers a wide range of topics in nuclear physics, including nuclear structure, two- and three-body nuclear forces, strangeness nuclear physics, chiral symmetry, hadrons in dense medium, hidden local symmetry, heavy quark symmetry, cosmic neutrinos, nuclear double-beta decay, neutron stars, gravitational waves, renormalization group methods, exotic nuclei, electron ion collider (EIC), and much more. Most of the authors are Gerry's former students and collaborators.
We hope readers will find this book very interesting not only for its physics content but also for the window it gives into Gerry's personal legacy and humanity. This book has vivid recollections of Gerry at Stony Brook, Princeton and Copenhagen, together with his humor and his very special intuitive way of thinking.
- The Shapes of Nuclei (G F Bertsch)
- The Oxygen Isotopes (B Alex Brown)
- Lessons on Doing Science from My Father, Gerry Brown (C Titus Brown)
- Thermal Effects in Dense Matter Beyond Mean Field Theory (C Constantinou, S Lalit and M Prakash)
- Core Polarization and Modern Realistic Shell-Model Hamiltonians (L Coraggio, A Covello, A Gargano and N Itaco)
- Science and Status of the Electron Ion Collider (A Deshpande)
- Can One Measure the Cosmic Neutrino Background? (A Faessler, R Hodák, S Kovalenko and F Šimkovic)
- Application of the Hidden Local Symmetry in Hadron Physics (M Harada)
- Partial Restoration of Chiral Symmetry in Hot and Dense Neutron Matter (J W Holt and K E Rockcliffe)
- Compact Star Matter: EoS with New Scaling Law (K Kim, H K Lee and J Lee)
- Spinodal Instabilities in Baryon-Rich Quark Matter (C M Ko and F Li)
- Nucleon-Anti-Nucleon Intruder State of Dirac Equation for Nucleon in Deep Scalar Potential Well (T T S Kuo, T K Kuo, E Osnes and S Shu)
- Neutron Stars are Gold Mines (J M Lattimer)
- Gravitational Waves from Neutron Star Binaries (C-H Lee)
- Baryons and Chiral Symmetry (K-F Liu)
- Heavy Exotic Molecules (Y Liu and I Zahed)
- The Nuclear Force: Meson Theory Versus Chiral Effective Field Theory (R Machleidt)
- Foundations of Strangeness Nuclear Physics Derived from Chiral Effective Field Theory (U-G Meiβner and J Haidenbauer)
- Nuclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay in Covariant Density Functional Theory (J Meng, L S Song and J M Yao)
- Partial Conservation Law in a Schematic Single J Shell Model (W Pereira, R Garcia, L Zamick, A Escuderos and K Neergård)
- Chiral Electroweak Currents in Nuclei (D O Riska and R Schiavilla)
- In Search of a Pristine Signal for (Scale-)Chiral Symmetry in Nuclei (M Rho)
- Confinement, Chiral Symmetry Breaking and the Effective Quark Mass (E Shuryak)
- Many-Body Green Functions in Nuclear Physics (J Speth and N Lyutorovich)
- Validity of Su(3) in the 0p1ƒ Shell (D D Strottman)
- Multi Regulatory Functional Renormalization Group for Many-Femion Systems (Y Tanizaki and T Hatsuda)
- Spectral Functions and In-Medium Properties of Hadrons (R-A Tripolt, L von Smekal and J Wambach)
- Skyrmions at High Density (V Vento)
- Neutral Current Coherent Cross-Sections — Implications on Detecting SN and Earth Neutrinos with Gaseous Spherical TPC's (J D Vergados and Y Giomataris)
- Permanent Electric Dipole Moments of Single-, Two- and Three-Nucleon Systems (A Wirzba, J Bsaisou and A Nogga)
- Hidden Local Symmetry and Beyond (K Yamawaki)
Readership: Students and researchers in nuclear and particle physics.