CPT and Lorentz Symmetry
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
CPT Studies with Kaons
LEP Tests of CPT in B Oscillations
The CP/T Experiment
Tests for Photon Polarization Rotation over the Longest Available Propagation Paths
CPT and Strings
Testing Complete Positivity in the Neutral Kaon System
Dynamical Breaking of CPT and Baryogenesis
Theory and Tests of CPT and Lorentz Violation
Chern-Simons Violation of Lorentz and CPT Symmetries in Electrodynamics
Searches for Anomalous Interactions Using Trapped Ions
Testing CPT with Precision Mass Spectroscopy of the Antiproton and Proton
Theoretical Analysis of CPT and Lorentz Tests in Penning Traps
New Bound on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry in a Penning Trap
CPT and Lorentz Symmetry in Hydrogen and Antihydrogen
Tests of CPT, Lorentz Invariance, and the WEP with Antihydrogen
The Fermilab Antihydrogen Program
Violations of Discrete Symmetries in M-Theory
Extending the Standard Model to Include CPT- and Lorentz-Breaking Terms
A Test of Local Lorentz Invariance Using Hg and Cs Magnetometers
Local Position Invariance and the Fine Structure Constant
Bounds on CPT and Lorentz Violation
Testing Local Lorentz Invariance with Zeeman Masers
CPT Tests at TJNAF
Test of CPT Invariance in B Factories
Deviations from Lorentz Invariance for Ultrahigh-Energy Fermions
Seed Magnetic Fields from the Breaking of Lorentz Invariance
CPT Symmetry and the Antiproton Lifetime
M-fluences on String Model Building
Determination and Calculability of Quark Flavor Mixing Parameters
Modular Symmetries and CP Violation in String Theory