The First Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, held at Indiana University in November, 1998, focused on recent developments involving tests of the fundamental space-time symmetries, including both experimental and theoretical aspects. The topics covered were: theoretical descriptions of and constraints on possible violations of CPT and Lorentz symmetry; experimental bounds from measurements on K, B and D mesons; precision comparisons of particle and antiparticle properties (anomalous moments, charge-to-mass ratios, lifetimes, etc.); spectroscopy of hydrogen and antihydrogen; clock-comparison tests; properties of light; etc.
- CPT Studies with Kaons (B Winstein)
- LEP Tests of CPT in B Oscillations (M P Jimack)
- The CP/T Experiment (G Thomson)
- Chern-Simons Violation of Lorentz and CPT Symmetries in Electrodynamics (R Jackiw)
- Searches for Anomalous Interactions Using Trapped Ions (D J Wineland et al.)
- Testing CPT with Precision Mass Spectroscopy of the Antiproton and Proton (G Gabrielse et al.)
- New Bound on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry in a Penning Trap (R K Mittleman, I I Ioannou & H G Dehmelt)
- Tests of CPT, Lorentz Invariance, and the WEP with Antihydrogen (M H Holzscheiter)
- Violations of Discrete Symmetries in M-Theory (M J Perry)
- and other papers
Readership: Physicists.