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Nonlinear Cooperative Phenomena in Biological Systems

Proceedings of the Adriatico Research Conference by:2 (Source: Crossref)

    The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:

    • Preface

    • Chapter 1

      • Monte Carlo Simulations of Biological Ageing

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. Azbel theory

        • 3. Penna model

        • 4. Generalization to sex

        • 5. Discussion

      • Why Do Cells Count?

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. The biochemical explanation of the R point

        • 3. Why is cell cycle progression regulated in this way?

        • 4. Predictions

        • 5. Conclusions

      • Quantal DNA Replication and Hedgehog Cytoskeleton Induced by Lyotropic Harmonic-Liquid Crystal Like Membrane Dynamics

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. Binding of ligands to the blast cell

        • 3. The quantal DNA replication

        • 4. Lyotropic self-duality

        • 5. Generalization to three spatial dimensions

        • 6. Analogy with superconductor

        • 7. Lyotropically induced order parameters, chirality and cytoskeleton dynamics

        • 8. Dynamic instability and variable length of growing microtubules

        • 9. Hedgehog cytoskeleton solution from nonabelian model

        • 10. Coherent light in a counting cell

      • Punctuated Equilibria vs Darwin?

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. On self-organized criticality (SOC)

        • 3. The Fossil record

        • 4. Mathematical models

        • 5. Critical ecologies

        • 6. Concluding remarks

      • Evolution at Molecular Resolution

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. Evolution of molecules

        • 3. Theory of molecular evolution

        • 4. Modeling evolutionary dynamics

        • 5. Genotype-phenotype mapping of RNA

        • 6. Optimization of RNA structures

        • 7. Statistical topology and evolution

      • Self-Organization of Colloids and Interfaces

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. The morphology of wetting layers

        • 3. The morphology of membranes

        • 4. Self-assembly and bending elasticity

        • 5. Curvature arsing from dispersed particles

        • 6. Colloidal machines

    • Chapter 2

      • Is Myoglobin Like a Swiss Watch?

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. Conformation and Energy Landscapes

        • 3. Kinetics and the Reaction Coordinate

        • 4. Problems and Puzzles

        • 5. The Input Data

        • 6. The Model

        • 7. Conclusions

      • Collective Proton Freezing in Hydrated Protein Powders

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. Experimental results

        • 3. Discussion

        • 4. Biological implications of the glassy transition

      • Energy Landscapes of Folding Proteins: The Effects of Nonlinearity and Cooperativity

      • Effects of Long-Range Dispersion in Nonlinear Dynamics of DNA Molecules

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. System and equations of motion

        • 3. Tails of intrinsically localized states

        • 4. Switching between bistable states

        • 5. Conclusion

      • Investigations — A Beginning Draft

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. Prolegomenon to a general biology

    • Chapter 3

      • Spin Glasses, Random Boolean Networks and Simple Models of Evolution

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. Mean field spin glasses

        • 3. Random boolean networks and random map models

        • 4. A simple model of evolution

        • 5. Conclusion

      • Mechanical Properties of Membranes and Cell Polarity

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. Elastic properties of layered membranes with closed surfaces

        • 3. Shapes of unsupported cells and phospholipid vesicles

        • 4. Shapes of cells and phospholipid vesicles subject to axial force

        • 5. Discussion

      • Nonlinear Chemical Catalysis and Making of Molecular Ecosystems

      • Cooperative Interactions in DNA Systems

    • Chapter 4

      • Collective Ratchet Effects Induced by Harmonic Forcing and Temperature

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. Anisotropic substrate potentials and equations of motion

        • 3. Mobility of topological solitons

        • 4. Kink motion driven by a harmonic force

        • 5. Thermal kink dynamics in a bistable chain: analytical results

        • 6. Numerical results for the bistable chain

        • 7. Summary and outlook

      • Nonlinear Energy Localization in a Lattice: Applications in Biomolecular Physics

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. Intrinsic localized modes

        • 3. A first step in the formation of intrinsic localized modes: modulational instability

        • 4. Growth of large amplitude breathers

        • 5. Nonlinear energy localization in complex lattices

        • 6. DNA thermal denaturation: nonlinear energy localization in a biological molecule

        • 7. Conclusion

      • Statistical Physics, Neural Networks, Brain Studies

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. A trajectory through statistical physics

      • Ligand Gated Ion Channel Currents in Lyotropic, Chemically Open, Nonstationary System

        • 1. Introduction

        • 2. Independent channel ligandation

        • 3. From molecular interaction to macroscopic effect

        • 4. Phenomenology and discussion of results

    • Abstracts

      • Vegetation Dynamics as a Nonlinear Cooperative Phenomenon

      • TDXanes Study of the Conformational Landscape of Trehalose Coated MbCO

      • Speciation by Competition in a Smooth Fitness Landscape

      • Interparticle Interactions and Subunit Dissociation from Light Scattering Experiment on Hemoglobin

      • Anomalous Flexibility of DNA Fragments from Stochastic Simulations and Dynamic Fluorescence Spectroscopy

      • Direction of Protein Biosynthesis and its Conformational Consequences

      • Immunization, Aging and Learning Process

      • The Evolution of HIV Infection: A Cellular Automaton Approach

    • Summary of Panel Discussion