- Monte Carlo Simulations of Biological Ageing (D Stauffer)
- Why Do Cells Count (K A Smith)
- Quantal DNA Replication and Hedgehog Cytoskeleton Induced by Lyotropic Harmonic-Liquid Crystal Like Membrane Dynamics (L Matsson)
- Punctuated Equilibria vs Darwin? (P Bak & H Flyvbjerg)
- Evolution at Molecular Resolution (P Schuster)
- Self-Organization of Colloids and Interfaces (R Lipowsky)
- Is Myoglobin Like a Swiss Watch? (H Frauenfelder et al.)
- Collective Proton Freezing in Hydrated Protein Powders (G Careri et al.)
- Energy Landscapes of Folding Proteins: The Effects of Nonlinearity and Cooperativity (P G Wolynes)
- Effects of Long-Range Dispersion in Nonlinear Dynamics of DNA Molecules (Yu B Gaididei et al.)
- Investigations — A Beginning Draft (S A Kauffman)
- Cooperative Interactions in DNA Systems (B Norden)
- and other papers
Readership: Biological scientists and applied mathematicians.