Chapter 6: The Future of Gamification in Organizations: A Scoping Review
Gamification is defined differently in both research literature and among people. The purpose of this book chapter is to provide a detailed scoping review of the future of gamification in organizations. The first section provides an overview of the future of gamification in the business context. The second section provides an overview of the scoping review methodology and the third section illustrates the thematic analysis of gamification in organizations. The final section discusses the conclusion by providing implications for future researchers in the area of gamification in organizations. Gamification science is distinct not only from game science but also from non-scientific forms of gamification research. The purpose of gamification science is not to denounce nonscientific approaches to the study of gamification; instead, it establishes precise limits on the scope of the subfield. Gamification scientists seek to comprehend how games can be utilized to affect the attitudes, behaviors, and other states of being of humans. To further elucidate this position, we also provide a research agenda and framework for the study of gamification science.