On a nonhomogeneous heat equation on the complex plane
In this paper, we investigate the existence, uniqueness, and asymptotic behaviors of mild solutions of parabolic evolution equations on complex plane, in which the diffusion operator has the form ¯□φ=¯D¯D∗, where ¯Df=ˉ∂f+φˉzf, the function φ is smooth and subharmonic on ℂ, and ¯D∗ is the formal adjoint of ¯D. Our method combines certain estimates of heat kernel associating with the homogeneous linear equation of Raich [Heat equations in ℝ×ℂ, J. Funct. Anal. 240(1) (2006) 1–35] and a fixed point argument.
Communicated by Franc Forstneric