Conserved charge susceptibilities in the relativistic mean-field hadron resonance gas model: Constraints on hadronic repulsive interactions
In this paper, we investigate the effect of repulsive interaction between hadrons on the susceptibilities of conserved charges, namely baryon number (B), electric charge (Q) and strangeness (S). We estimate second-, fourth- and sixth-order susceptibilities of conserved charges, their differences, ratios and correlations within ambit of mean-field hadron resonance gas (MFHRG) model. We consider repulsive mean-field interaction among meson pairs, baryon pairs and antibaryon pairs separately and constrain them by confronting the results of various susceptibilities with the recent lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) data. We find that the repulsive interactions between baryon–baryon pairs and antibaryon–antibaryon pairs are sufficient to describe the baryon susceptibilities of hadronic matter at temperatures below QCD transition temperature. However, small but finite mesonic repulsive interaction is needed to describe electric charge and strangeness susceptibilities. We finally conclude that the repulsive interaction between hadrons play a very important role in describing the thermodynamic properties of hadronic matter, especially near the quark–hadron phase transition temperature (Tc). The mean-field parameter for baryons (KB) should be constrained in the range 0.40≤KB≤0.450GeVfm3 to get a good agreement of baryon susceptibilities with the LQCD results, whereas meson mean-field parameter KM∼0.05GeVfm3 must be included with KB to get a reasonable agreement of MFHRG model with the LQCD results for electric charge and strangeness susceptibilities.