Dimensional crossover in the nearest-neighbor statistics of random points in a quasi-low-dimensional system
In this work, we study the effects of geometric confinement on the point statistics in a quasi-low-dimensional system. Specifically, we focus on the nearest-neighbor statistics. Accordingly, we have performed comprehensive numerical simulations of binomial point process on quasi-one-dimensional rectangle strips for different values of the confinement ratio defined as the ratio of the strip width to the mean nearest-neighbor distance. We found that the nearest-neighbor distance distributions (NNDDs) conform to an extreme value Weibull distribution with the shape parameter depending on the confinement ratio, while the process intensity remains constant. This finding reveals the reduction of effective spatial degrees of freedom in a quasi-low-dimensional system under the geometric confinement. The scale dependence of the number of effective spatial degrees of freedom is found to obey the crossover ansatz. We stress that the functional form of the crossover ansatz is determined by the nature of the studied point process. Accordingly, different physical processes in the quasi-low-dimensional system obey different crossover ansatzes. The relevance of these results for quasi-low-dimensional systems is briefly highlighted.