A New True Random Number Generator Based on Differential Variable Ring Oscillator Robust Against PVT Variation
In this paper, a new true random number generator (TRNG) based on a new variable differential ring oscillator has been presented. In this structure, the ring oscillator’s jitter is considered a random phenomenon. The jitter of the proposed ring oscillator is driven by thermal noise and flicker noise so that the generated jitter is random. In this paper, a new variable differential ring oscillator has been designed. The stage of this ring oscillator is changed randomly in order to create random jitter. A new differential delay cell has been proposed to boost the speed of TRNG and random jitter. The proposed random number generator (RNG) is robust against temperature variations of −40–120∘C and voltage variations from 0.8 to 1.8V. The proposed system’s bitrate is 50MB/s and its efficiency is 30.03Mb/mJ. This process has been implemented in the 0.18um CMOS process. Simulation results have been presented in Hspice software and cadence. The output bit images have been displayed by Matlab software.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Piero Malcovati.