An Example of Intelligent Security System Based on Deep Learning
In this paper, an example of an intelligent security system based on deep learning approach has been analyzed and described. Security is an important element in many aspects of human life. Depending on customer requirements, different levels of security may be required and implemented. Nowadays, artificial intelligence is becoming an indispensable part in many areas of human life and accordingly security systems are also based on the new achievements in this field. In this paper, an intelligent security system based on two methods for identifying persons, gait recognition and face recognition, was described. The two methods mentioned above can be used to give persons access to different buildings, facilities, institutions, etc. or to different indoor or outdoor areas. In light of the above, the aforementioned system uses face and gait recognition to identify persons who should be granted access to a facility or a specific area within the facility. Accordingly, two deep learning models for gait and face recognition have been developed and described. The analysis, the settings defined and the results obtained in relation to the models developed were also described.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Zoran Stamenkovic.