Arrow diagrams on spherical curves and computations
We give a definition of an integer-valued function ∑iαix∗i derived from arrow diagrams for the ambient isotopy classes of oriented spherical curves. Then, we introduce certain elements of the free ℤ-module generated by the arrow diagrams with at most l arrows, called relators of Type (ˇI) ((̌SII), (̌WII), (̌SIII) or (̌WIII), respectively), and introduce another function ∑iαi˜x∗i to obtain ∑iαix∗i. One of the main results shows that if ∑iαi˜x∗i vanishes on finitely many relators of Type (ˇI) ((̌SII), (̌WII), (̌SIII) or (̌WIII), respectively), then ∑iαix∗i is invariant under the deformation of type RI (strong RII, weak RII, strong RIII or weak RIII, respectively). The other main result is that we obtain new functions of arrow diagrams with up to six arrows explicitly. This computation is done with the aid of computers.