Reconstruction of interaction rate in holographic dark energy model with Hubble horizon as the infrared cut-off
This work is the reconstruction of the interaction rate of holographic dark energy whose infrared cut-off scale is set by the Hubble length. We have reconstructed the interaction rate between dark matter and the holographic dark energy for a specific parameterization of the effective equation-of-state parameter. We have obtained observational constraints on the model parameters using the latest type Ia supernova (SNIa), baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) and cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation datasets. We have found that for the present model, the interaction rate increases with expansion and remains positive throughout the evolution. For a comprehensive analysis, we have also compared the reconstructed results of the interaction rate with other well-known holographic dark energy models. The nature of the deceleration parameter, the statefinder parameters and the dark energy equation-of-state parameter have also been studied for the present model. It has been found that the deceleration parameter favors the past decelerated and recent accelerated expansion phase of the universe. It has also been found that the dark energy equation-of-state parameter shows a phantom nature at the present epoch.
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