Quantum correlations and coherence dynamics in qutrit–qutrit systems under mixed classical environmental noises
We investigate the dynamics of entanglement, quantum discord (QD) and state coherence in a bipartite and noninteracting spin-qutrits system under mixed classical noises. Specifically, the collective effects of static noise (SN) and random telegraphic noise (RTN) each being coupled with a marginal system, are analyzed. While the static noise models a non-Markovian environment, the dynamic noise can model both a Markovian or a non-Markovian environment, and both dynamics are studied. We show that quantum correlations and coherence may survive the noise degrading effects at sufficiently long time when the Markovian regime of the RTN is considered. Meanwhile, the opposite is found in the non-Markovian regime, wherein the nonmonotonic dynamics of quantum features avoid sudden death phenomena. However, the static noise is more fatal to the survival of quantum correlations and quantum state coherence as compared to the RTN.