w=1/3 to w=−1 evolution in a Robertson–Walker space-time with constant scalar curvature
The Ricci tensor of a Robertson–Walker (RW) space-time is here specified by requiring constancy of the scalar curvature and a vanishing spatial curvature. By entering this Ricci tensor in Einstein’s equations (without cosmological constant), the cosmological fluid shows a transition from a pure radiation to a Lambda equation of state. In other words, the RW geometry with constant scalar curvature and flat space fixes the limit values w=1/3 and w=−1, without any hypothesis on the cosmological fluid. The value of the scalar curvature fixes the time-scale for the transition.
For this reason, we investigate the ‘toy-universe’ with Hubble parameter h=0.673 and temperature TCMB=2.72K. The model predicts an age of the universe in the range 7.3–13.7Gyr.