Tsallis holographic dark energy models in axially symmetric space time
In this work, we have examined the behavior of Bianchi-I (axially symmetric) matter-dominated and the anisotropic Universe with the proposed dark energy, Tsallis holographic dark energy (THDE), with the Hubble horizon as infrared cut-off [Tavayef et al., Tsallis holographic dark energy, Phys. Lett. B781 (2018) 195–200]. The Universe evolution from matter-dominated epoch to dark energy dominated epoch is described by our proposed THDE model. The EoS parameter in our THDE model explains the evolution of the Universe according to the value of nonextensive or Tsallis parameter δ, phantom era (ωT≤−1) or quintom (phantom line crossing) and the quintessence era (ωT≥−1), before reaching to completely dark energy-dominated era in the future. Additionally, we also plan to reconcile the dark energy by the method of reconstructing the evolution of the scalar field potential. For the analysis, we take into account the quintessence field and phantom scalar field for this reconstruction, which at present shows the accelerated expansion.