Accretion of modified Chaplygin–Jacobi gas and modified Chaplygin–Abel gas onto Schwarzschild black hole
Herein, we have discussed about the accretion of two extremely interesting forms of dark energies, namely “Modified Chaplygin–Jacobi Gas” (MCJG) and “Modified Chaplygin–Abel Gas” (MCAG) onto a Schwarzschild black hole of dimension 4. First, considering the above-mentioned dark energies, we have deduced the rate of change of mass and then evolved the required mass from it in terms of the redshift zz. We have also plotted the mass versus redshift graphs for different values of the elliptic modulus kk in the case of MCJG and different values of αα in the case of MCAG, respectively. Also, mass versus redshift graphs have been portrayed in the different stages of the FRW universe. We have found that in the case of both MCJG and MCAG accretion, the mass of the black holes follow an increasing pattern. But as expected in the case of the phantom energy-filled universe, the mass of the black hole shows decreasing nature. Again in the case of the ΛΛCDM stage of the universe, accretion of MCAG primarily leads to an increase in mass, and then it gradually diminishes.