In this paper, we study the Chaplygin gas equation in curvature-matter coupling gravity to describe the observed expansion of the universe. We consider the Chaplygin gas equation of state in terms of the energy density ρ and pressure p, by the relationship p=−Aρ and the curvature-matter coupling gravity as f(R,T), where A is a positive constant, R and T denote, respectively, the Ricci scalar and the trace of energy–momentum tensor. Considering the gravitational lagrangian in the form f(R,T)=R+h(T), where we used two forms of h(T) and by assuming a perfect fluid as matter source, we determined through the modified Friedmann equations, the corresponding energy and pressure for each model. By using the free parameters of our models, we performed the numerical results of the energy conditions to study its viability. Furthermore, we have derived some cosmological parameters like deceleration parameter and statefinder parameters and graphically investigated the nature of these parameters in Chaplygin gas model.