Peripherally carboxylic acid substituted asymmetric zinc(II) phthalocyanines: Synthesis and photophysicochemical properties
Four asymmetric Zn(II) phthalocyanines (Pc1–Pc4) bearing a carboxylic acid group in the peripheral position have been designed and synthesized to investigate the influence of the distance between COOH group and the phthalocyanine core on their photophysical and photochemical properties. The novel phthalocyanine complexes were characterized by 11H, 1313C NMR, IR, and UV-vis spectroscopies, elemental analysis and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI). The aggregation behavior, photophysical and photochemical properties such as fluorescence lifetime and quantum yields and singlet oxygen quantum yields of Pc1–Pc4 were explored in tetrahydrofuran (THF) to the determination of the potential use of these novel phthalocyanines as photosensitizers for different applications such as photovoltaic technologies and photodynamic therapy (PDT). Pc1–Pc4exhibited high singlet oxygen generation quantum yields (0.84, 0.66, 0.88 and 0.65, respectively). Fluorescence quantum yields could be obtained for Pc1, Pc2, Pc3 and Pc4 (0.13, 0.31, 0.10 and 0.25, respectively) in THF.

This paper is part of the 2019 Women in Porphyrin Science special issue.
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