Treatment Options for Bifid Ulna Deformity Following Galeazzi-equivalent Injury in Adolescents
A Galeazzi-equivalent lesion occurs in children and adolescents following a traumatic distal radius fracture when the strong radioulnar ligaments and relative weakness of the ulnar physis result in an avulsion-type Salter-Harris III fracture of the distal ulna. In unreduced fractures, the osteogenic nature of the torn periosteal sleeve may result in the formation of a bifid distal ulna. We describe two cases of bifid distal ulna that developed after missed Galeazzi-equivalent lesions. The first case was treated with resection of the volar limb and reduction of the ulnar fracture, whereas the second case was treated with simple resection of the dorsal limb. Negative ulnar variance developed in both cases.
Level of Evidence: Level V (Case report)