Climate change poses a global challenge with profound impacts on diverse aspects of the environment and human society. Understanding these impacts is crucial for formulating effective mitigation strategies. As one of the most critical threats to sustainable development, climate change is anticipated to affect the environment, human health, food security, economic activities, natural resources and physical infrastructure. This review focuses on climate change, its consequences and mitigation efforts in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has encountered both climate variability and change, evident in an average annual temperature increase of about 1.3∘C since 1960, with a corresponding rise of 0.28∘C per decade. Spatial and temporal variations in precipitation have also intensified, highlighting the country’s exposure to climate fluctuations. To address these challenges, the Ethiopian government has implemented various policies, strategies and programs aimed at enhancing adaptive capacity and minimizing the impacts of climate variability and change. The Climate-Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) of Ethiopia centers on four pillars: agriculture, forestry, renewable energy and advanced technologies. These pillars form the foundation for Ethiopia’s pursuit of a sustainable green economy. In conclusion, this review delves into the examination of climate change, its repercussions and the ongoing efforts to mitigate its effects in Ethiopia.