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K-theoretic Gromov–Witten invariants of line degrees on flag varieties by:0 (Source: Crossref)
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    A homology class dH2(X,) of a complex flag variety X=GP is called a line degree if the moduli space ˉ0,0(X,d) of 0-pointed stable maps to X of degree d is also a flag variety GP. We prove a quantum equals classical formula stating that any n-pointed (equivariant, K-theoretic, genus zero) Gromov–Witten invariant of line degree on X is equal to a classical intersection number computed on the flag variety GP. We also prove an n-pointed analogue of the Peterson comparison formula stating that these invariants coincide with Gromov–Witten invariants of the variety of complete flags GB. Our formulas make it straightforward to compute the big quantum K-theory ring QKbig(X) modulo the ideal Qd generated by degrees d larger than line degrees.

    1. Introduction

    In this paper, we study the n-pointed genus zero Gromov–Witten invariants of line degrees on a complex flag variety X=GP. Given an effective degree dH2(X,), we let ˉ0,n(X,d) be the Kontsevich moduli space of n-pointed stable maps to X of degree d and genus zero. Given subvarieties Ω1,,ΩnX in general position, the cohomological Gromov–Witten invariant [Ω1],,[Ωn]Xd counts the number of parametrized curves 1X of degree d with n marked points on the domain (up to projective transformation), such that the ith marked point is sent to Ωi for 1in, assuming that finitely many such curves exist. More generally, the K-theoretic Gromov–Witten invariant [𝒪Ω1],,[𝒪Ωn]Xd is defined as the sheaf Euler characteristic χ(GWd,𝒪GWd) of the Gromov–Witten subvariety GWdˉ0,n(X,d) of stable maps that send the ith marked point to Ωi.

    The degree dH2(X,) is called a line degree if G acts transitively on the moduli space ˉ0,0(X,d) of zero-pointed stable maps of degree d. This happens when d=[Xsα] is the class of a one-dimensional Schubert variety such that the defining simple root α satisfies combinatorial conditions given in Refs. 1,2,3 and discussed in Sec. 3. All one-dimensional Schubert classes are line degrees if G is simply-laced, if X is the variety GB of complete flags, or if X is a cominuscule flag variety.

    When d is a line degree, the 0- and 1-pointed moduli spaces M0=ˉ0,0(X,d) and M1=ˉ0,1(X,d) are flag varieties, M0=GP and M1=G(PP), and the natural projections p:M1X and q:M1M0 coincide with the evaluation map and the forgetful map. Our main result (Theorem 3.1) is a quantum equals classical formula stating that, for arbitrary (equivariant) K-theory classes 1,,nKT(X), the associated Gromov–Witten invariant of line degree d is given by

    where χM0:KT(M0)KT(pt) is the sheaf Euler characteristic map. The proof uses that ˉ0,n(X,d) has rational singularities and is birational to the n-fold product of M1 over M0. We also prove an n-pointed analogue of the Peterson comparison formula, stating that the Gromov–Witten invariant (1) coincides with a Gromov–Witten invariant of the variety of complete flags GB.

    Early results in this direction were proved for 3-pointed Gromov–Witten invariants of classical Grassmannians and cominuscule flag varieties.4,5,6,7,8,9,10 The comparison formula and a variant of (1) were proved for 3-pointed Gromov–Witten invariants in Ref. 11. Our results imply an analogous formula for n-pointed cohomological Gromov–Witten invariants, special cases of which were obtained in Refs. 12 and 13.

    The (equivariant) big quantum K-theory ring QKbig(X) introduced in Refs. 14 and 15 is a power series deformation of the K-theory ring K(X) that encodes the n-pointed K-theoretic Gromov–Witten invariants of all degrees. Degrees of curves are encoded as powers Qd of Novikov variables, and additional variables tw dual to Schubert classes 𝒪wK(X) encode insertions in Gromov–Witten invariants. The small quantum K-theory ring QK(X) is recovered when all tw are specialized to 0.

    Our formulas make it straightforward to compute the multiplicative structure of QKbig(X) modulo the ideal Qe generated by degrees e larger than line degrees. We provide some examples of products in this ring in the last section. There are other approaches to computing n-pointed K-theoretic Gromov–Witten invariants when K(X) is multiplicatively generated by line bundles; for example, some computations in type A have been obtained by using the J-function.16,17,18

    2. Preliminaries

    2.1. Flag varieties

    Let G be a complex reductive linear algebraic group, and fix a maximal torus T, a Borel subgroup B and a parabolic subgroup P, such that TBPG. The opposite Borel subgroup BG is defined by BB=T. Let Φ be the associated root system, with basis of simple roots ΔΦ+. Let W=NG(T)T be the Weyl group of G, and WP=NP(T)T the Weyl group of P. Then W is generated by the simple reflections {sα|αΔ}, and WP is determined by (and determines) the set ΔP={αΔ|sαWP}.

    Let X=GP be the flag variety defined by P. Any Weyl group element wW defines the Schubert varieties Xw=¯BwPP and Xw=¯BwPP in X. These varieties depend only on the coset wWP in WWP. When w belongs to the subset WPW of minimal representatives of the cosets in WWP, we have dim(Xw)=codim(Xw,X)=(w), where (w) denotes the Coxeter length of w.

    2.2. Gromov–Witten invariants

    For any projective T-variety Y, let KT(Y) be the equivariant K-theory ring, defined as the Grothendieck ring of T-equivariant algebraic vector bundles. This ring is an algebra over KT(pt), the representation ring of T. Let χY:KT(Y)KT(pt) be the push-forward map along the structure morphism. The equivariant K-theory KT(X) of the flag variety X=GP is a free KT(pt)-module with basis {𝒪w|wWP}, where 𝒪w=[𝒪Xw]KT(X) is the K-theoretic Schubert class defined by the structure sheaf of Xw.

    The homology group H2(X,) is a free abelian group generated by the classes [Xsα] of the 1-dimensional Schubert varieties for αΔΔP. Given an effective degree dH2(X,) and n, we let ˉ0,n(X,d) denote the Kontsevich moduli space of n-pointed stable maps to X of degree d and genus zero (see Ref. 19). This moduli space is nonempty when d0 or n3. In this case, the evaluation map evi:ˉ0,n(X,d)X, defined for 1in, sends a stable map to the image of the i-th marked point in its domain.

    Given K-theory classes 1,,nKT(X), the corresponding n-pointed (equivariant) K-theoretic Gromov–Witten invariant of degree d and genus zero is defined by

    Similarly, the cohomological Gromov–Witten invariant given by γ1,,γnHT(X) is defined by
    Nonequivariant Gromov–Witten invariants are obtained by replacing T with the trivial group; these Gromov–Witten invariants are integers.

    3. Gromov–Witten Invariants of Line Degrees

    A nonzero homology class dH2(X,) will be called a line degree if G acts transitively on the moduli space ˉ0,0(X,d) of 0-pointed stable maps to X of degree d and genus zero. Equivalently, d=[Xsα] is the class of a one-dimensional Schubert variety defined by a simple root αΔΔP such that α is a long root within its connected component of ΔP{α}.1,2,3 Here we identify the simple roots Δ with the set of nodes in the Dynkin diagram of Φ, so that the connected component of α in ΔP{α} is an irreducible Dynkin diagram in itself. We further use the convention that all roots of a simply-laced root system are long. In particular, [Xsα] is a line degree if the component of α in ΔP{α} is simply-laced, even if α is a short root of Φ. All one-dimensional Schubert classes are line degrees if Φ is simply-laced, if X is the variety GB of complete flags, or if X is a cominuscule flag variety. We note that the definition of line degree depends on the group G. For example, the projective space 2n1 is a flag variety of both SL(2n) and Sp(2n), and SL(2n) acts transitively on the set of lines in 2n1 whereas Sp(2n) does not.

    Given a fixed line degree d=[Xsα], we let PG be the parabolic subgroup defined by

    that is, ΔP is obtained from ΔP{α} by removing the simple roots adjacent to α in the Dynkin diagram. In this case, the moduli spaces of 0- and 1-pointed stable maps to X of degree d and genus zero are the flag varieties M0=ˉ0,0(X,d)=GP and M1=ˉ0,1(X,d)=G(PP), and the natural projections p:G(PP)X and q:G(PP)GP coincide with the evaluation map and the forgetful map.1,2,3
    The curve of degree d in X corresponding to yM0 is given by

    Let πX:GBX be the projection. If d=[Xsα] is a line degree of X, we also let d denote the unique line degree [BsαBB] of GB that is mapped to d by push-forward along πX. This class [BsαBB] is the Peterson lift of d, see Definition 1 in Ref. 20. In fact, one can check that any class in H2(X;) is a line degree of X if and only if its Peterson lift is a line degree of GB.

    Our main result is the following theorem. Part (B) and a variant of (A) were proved for 3-pointed Gromov–Witten invariants in Ref. 11.

    Theorem 3.1. Let dH2(X,) be a line degree of the flag variety X with associated projections p:M1X and q:M1M0, and let 1,,nKT(X) be K-theory classes. The following identities hold in KT(pt):





    Proof. To prove part (A), let M(n)1=M1×M0×M0M1 be the fiber product of n copies of M1 over M0, with projections ei:M(n)1M1 for 1in. Set Mn=ˉ0,n(X,d), and let ϕ:MnM(n)1 be the morphism defined by the n forgetful maps MnM1. We obtain the commutative diagram:

    Since q is a locally trivial fibration with nonsingular base and fiber, it follows that M(n)1 is a nonsingular projective variety. Using that any morphism 1X of line degree is an isomorphism onto its image, it follows that ϕ is birational. The variety Mn has rational singularities by Theorem 2(ii) in Ref. 19 and Proposition 5.15 in Ref. 21. We obtain ϕ[𝒪Mn]=[𝒪M(n)1] in KT(M(n)1), and therefore
    where the last two equalities follow from the projection formula and Lemma 3.5 in Ref. 9.

    For part (B), let PαG be the minimal parabolic subgroup given by ΔPα={α}, where αΔΔP is defined by d=[Xsα]. We obtain a commutative diagram

    where π, πα and qα are the natural projections of flag varieties. Using that the square is Cartesian and πX=pπ, we obtain
    where the last equality follows from part (A) applied to GB, noting that we have ˉ0,0(GB,d)=GPα and ˉ0,1(GB,d)=GB. □

    Theorem 3.1 implies the analogous identities for cohomological Gromov–Witten invariants in the following corollary by the equivariant Hirzebruch formula,22 see Subsec. 4.1 in Ref. 9. A similar statement is proved in Ref. 13 when P is maximal and used to study semisimplicity of big quantum cohomology; when X is a Grassmannian, the statement is proved and applied in Ref. 12. Part (B) for 3-pointed Gromov–Witten invariants is a special case of Peterson’s comparison formula, proved in Woodward’s paper (Ref. 20).

    Corollary 3.1. Let dH2(X,) be a line degree of X, and let γ1,,γnHT(X) be cohomology classes. The following identities hold in HT(pt):





    Remark 3.1. Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.1 imply that nonequivariant Gromov–Witten invariants of line degree are enumerative for Schubert classes in the following sense. Let Ω1,,ΩnX be Schubert varieties in general position and let

    be the subvariety of M0=GP parametrizing lines meeting Ω1,,Ωn. Then
    This follows from Theorem 3.1(A) since the projection q:p1(Ωi)q(p1(Ωi)) of the Schubert variety p1(Ωi) is cohomologically trivial.23 The left-hand side of (2) is the sheaf Euler characteristic χ(GWd,𝒪GWd) of the Gromov–Witten variety GWd=ni=1ev1i(Ωi)ˉ0,n(X,d) of stable maps that send the ith marked point to Ωi (see Subsec. 4.1 in Ref. 9).

    When the Schubert varieties satisfy the condition

    we also have
    that is, the cohomological Gromov–Witten invariant [Ω1],,[Ωn]Xd is the number of lines in X of degree d meeting Ω1,,Ωn.

    Example 3.1. Let γH(3) be the class of a line. Then Remark 3.1 implies that γ,γ,γ,γ31 counts the number of lines that meet four given lines in general position in 3, and this number can be computed as a classical intersection number on M0=Gr(2,4).

    4. Applications to Big Quantum K-Theory

    4.1. Definitions

    Set Γ=KT(pt). Given a fixed flag variety X=GP, we let

    be the ring of formal power series over Γ, in Novikov variables Qα dual to the Schubert basis of H2(X,), and formal variables tw dual to the Schubert basis of KT(X). The big equivariant quantum K-theory ring of X is a ΓQ,t-algebra defined by
    as a module. We proceed to define the multiplicative structure on QKbigT(X) following Refs. 14 and 15.

    For d=αΔΔPdα[Xsα]H2(X,), we write

    and for any function h:WP, we define
    Given K-theory classes 1,2,3KT(X), we let 1,2,3,𝒪hXd denote the (|h|+3)-pointed Gromov–Witten invariant of degree d with h(w) insertions of 𝒪w, for wWP, in addition to the first three insertions. We then define
    with the sum over all effective degrees dH2(X,) and functions h:WP. We extend this by linearity to a symmetric 3-form on the ΓQ,t-module QKbigT(X). The quantum metric on QKbigT(X) is then defined by ((1,2))=((1,2,1)), and the quantum product 12QKbigT(X) is the unique class defined by
    for all 3KT(X). The small quantum K-theory ring is the quotient QKT(X)=QKbigT(X)t by the ideal generated by tw for wWP.

    Remark 4.1. Let 0 denote the identity element of W, so that t0 is dual to 1KT(X). The product 12QKbigT(X) is known to be independent of t0 for 1,2KT(X); this follows from Ref. 14 (see also Proposition 2.10 in Ref. 18). In fact, since the general fibers of the forgetful map ˉ0,n+1(X,d)ˉ0,n(X,d) are isomorphic to 1, we have 1,𝒪hXd=𝒪hXd for all effective dH2(X,) and h:WP with |h|3, and therefore ((1,2,3))=et0((1,2,3))|t0=0 for all 1,2,3KT(X). We obtain

    It follows that 12QKbigT(X) is the unique class that is independent of t0 and satisfies
    for all 3KT(X). Notice that the product 12 can be constructed from the quantum potential 𝒢(Q,t)=((1,1,1))ΓQ,t specialized at t0=0,
    by observing that ((𝒪u,𝒪v,𝒪w))|t0=0=tutvtw𝒢0 holds for u,v,wWP{0}.

    Remark 4.2. The product in the equivariant big quantum cohomology ring

    is defined by
    where [Xu],[Xv],[Xw],[X]hXd is the cohomological Gromov–Witten invariant with h(w) insertions of [Xw] in addition to the first three insertions.

    4.2. Examples

    In this section we apply Theorem 3.1 to compute some examples of big quantum K-theory products modulo powers of the Novikov variables of degrees larger than line degrees. In each case, there is a unique line degree, and only one Novikov variable which will be denoted by Q. Congruence is always modulo Q2. Our examples are compatible with a positivity property of big quantum K-theory that we plan to discuss elsewhere.

    Example 4.1. Let X=1=SL(2)B. The only line degree in H2(1,) gives M1=1 and M0={pt}. Let T=act on 1 and let P1 be a T-fixed point. Then KT(1) has basis {1,𝒪1}, where 𝒪1=[𝒪P]. Set a=1𝒪1|PKT(pt). Using that (𝒪1)n=(1a)n1𝒪1KT(1) for n1, we compute the specialized potential (modulo Q2) as

    where t=t1 is dual to 𝒪1. If we write 𝒪1𝒪1=c0+c1𝒪1 with c0,c1ΓQ,t, then the equations
    for {1,𝒪1}, are equivalent to
    for i{0,1}. By solving for c0 and c1 modulo Q2, we arrive at

    Example 4.2. Let X=2. Then M1=Fl(3) is a complete flag variety and M0=2 is the dual projective plane. The Schubert basis is {1,𝒪1,𝒪2}, where 𝒪1=[𝒪L] is the class of a line and 𝒪2=[𝒪P] is the class of a point in 2.

    Working nonequivariantly for simplicity, we have

    from which we obtain (see also Subsec. 4.3 in Ref. 18) :

    Example 4.3. Let X=Gr(2,4) be the Grassmannian of 2-planes in 4. Here, M0=Fl(1,3;4) is a point-hyperplane incidence variety and M1=Fl(4) is a complete flag variety. The Schubert basis is {1,𝒪1,𝒪1,1,𝒪2,𝒪2,1,𝒪2,2}, where 𝒪λ is the Schubert class indexed by the partition λ. Working nonequivariantly, we obtain (by a computation in Maple) :



    This project was initiated at the ICERMa Women in Algebraic Geometry workshop in July 2020 and the ICERM Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry program in Spring 2021. We thank A. Gibney, L. Heller, E. Kalashnikov, H. Larson as well as P. E. Chaput, L. C. Mihalcea and N. Perrin for inspiring collaborations on related projects. We also thank an anonymous referee for a careful reading of our paper and for several helpful suggestions. A.B. was partially supported by NSF Grants DMS-2152316 as well as DMS-1929284 while in residence at ICERM during the Spring of 2021. L.C. was partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-2101861.


    Anders S. Buch

    Linda Chen

    Weihong Xu


    a Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics in Providence, RI.

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