In this paper, we prove formulas that represent two-pointed Gromov–Witten invariant 〈𝒪ha𝒪hb〉0,d of projective hypersurfaces with d=1,2 in terms of Chow ring of ¯M0,2(ℙN−1,d), the moduli spaces of stable maps from genus 0 stable curves to projective space ℙN−1. Our formulas are based on representation of the intersection number w(𝒪ha𝒪hb)0,d, which was introduced by Jinzenji, in terms of Chow ring of ̃Mp0,2(N,d), the moduli space of quasi maps from ℙ1 to ℙN−1 with two marked points. In order to prove our formulas, we use the results on Chow ring of ¯M0,2(ℙN−1,d), that were derived by Mustaţǎ and Mustaţǎ. We also present explicit toric data of ̃Mp0,2(N,d) and prove relations of Chow ring of ̃Mp0,2(N,d).