Synthetic strategies towards functionalized N-bridged μ-nitrido diiron porphyrin complexes
N-bridged diiron porphyrinoid complexes are powerful oxidation biomimetic catalysts. Their use as oxidation catalysts is quite recent, as it started approximately one decade ago. Many mechanistic works and elucidation of properties are conducted on simple derivatives which are not functionalized, preventing their covalent incorporation into advanced materials, even though it would expand their scope of applications. With the ultimate purpose to produce N-bridged diiron porphyrinoid complexes that can be incorporated into advanced functionalized materials and thereby increase the range of their utilization, we have explored synthetic strategies to prepare di- and octafunctionalised N-bridged diiron porphyrin complexes, either with hydroxyl or propargyl functions, which have been selected for their versatility. The considerations taken into account for the synthetic strategies are detailed and the complexes are fully characterized.

Dedicated to Prof. Tomás Torres on the occasion of his 70th birthday
Handbook of Porphyrin Science now available in 46 volumes