We studied the effects of nonextensivity on the phase transition for the system of finite volume VV in the ϕ4ϕ4 theory in the Tsallis nonextensive statistics of entropic parameter qq and temperature TT, when the deviation from the Boltzmann–Gibbs (BG) statistics, |q−1||q−1|, is small. We calculated the condensate and the effective mass to the order q−1q−1 with the normalized qq-expectation value under the free particle approximation with zero bare mass. The following facts were found. The condensate ΦΦ divided by vv, Φ/vΦ/v, at qq (vv is the value of the condensate at T=0T=0) is smaller than that at q′ for q>q′ as a function of Tph/v which is the physical temperature Tph divided by v. The physical temperature Tph is related to the variation of the Tsallis entropy and the variation of the internal energies, and Tph at q=1 coincides with T. The effective mass decreases, reaches minimum, and increases after that, as Tph increases. The effective mass at q>1 is lighter than the effective mass at q=1 at low physical temperature and heavier than the effective mass at q=1 at high physical temperature. The effects of the nonextensivity on the physical quantity as a function of Tph become strong as |q−1| increases. The results indicate the significance of the definition of the expectation value, the definition of the physical temperature, and the constraints for the density operator, when the terms including the volume of the system are not negligible.