A ∗-ring R is called a nil ∗-clean ring if every element of R is a sum of a projection and a nilpotent. Nil ∗-clean rings are the ∗-version of nil-clean rings introduced by Diesl. This paper is about the nil ∗-clean property of rings with emphasis on matrix rings. We show that a ∗-ring R is nil ∗-clean if and only if J(R) is nil and R/J(R) is nil ∗-clean. For a 2-primal ∗-ring R, with the induced involution given by(aij)∗=(a∗ij)T, the nil ∗-clean property of Mn(R) is completely reduced to that of Mn(Z2). Consequently, Mn(R) is not a nil ∗-clean ring for n=3,4, and M2(R) is a nil ∗-clean ring if and only if J(R) is nil, R/J(R)is a Boolean ring and a∗−a∈J(R) for all a∈R.