As ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP) is a popular nonlinear optical crystal, to engineer its linear and nonlinear optical properties, the chalcogenide compound cobalt sulphide (CoS) was doped and the crystals were grown by the slow solvent evaporation method. To increase the solubility of CoS in water, its nanoparticles were synthesized by wet chemical technique using ethylene diamine as the capping agent followed by microwave irradiation. The nanoparticle sample exhibited finite solubility in water and was used to dope in ADP crystals. The powder XRD patterns showed the single phase nature of the doped crystals. The FTIR spectra confirmed the presence of various functional groups and EDAX gave the estimation of Co and S elements. The EPR spectroscopy also confirmed the presence of cobalt in the doped samples. TGA indicated slightly less thermal stability of the doped crystals compared to the pure ADP. The dielectric study was carried out at room temperature in the frequency range from 100Hz to 1MHz. Also, various linear optical parameters were evaluated for pure and doped crystals using UV–Vis spectroscopy. The second harmonic generation (SHG) efficiency of Nd:YAG laser was evaluated by the Kurtz and Parry method for the doped samples, it was found to be slightly lesser than that of the pure ADP crystals.