We analyze the dynamics of a class of Z4-equivariant Hamiltonian systems of the form ż=(a+b|z|2)zi+¯z3i, where z is complex, the time t is real, while a and b are real parameters. The topological phase portraits with at least one center are given. The finite generators of Abelian integral I(h)=∮Γhg(x,y)dx−f(x,y)dy are obtained, where Γh is a family of closed ovals defined by H(x,y)=−a2y2−a2x2−1+b4x4−1+b4y4−b−32x2y2=h,h∈Σ, Σ is the open interval on which Γh is defined, f(x,y), g(x,y) are real polynomials in x and y with degree n. We give an estimation of the number of isolated zeros of the corresponding Abelian integral by using its algebraic structure. We show that for the given polynomials f(x,y) and g(x,y) in x and y with degree n, the number of the limit cycles of the perturbed Z4-equivariant Hamiltonian system does not exceed 83n−3 (taking into account the multiplicity).