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  • articleNo Access


    A generalization of acoustic propagation in an uncertain ocean waveguide environment is described using a probabilistic formulation in terms of stochastic basis expansions. The problem is studied in the context of wave propagation in random media, where environmental uncertainty and its interaction with the acoustic field are described by stochastic, rather than deterministic parameters and fields. This representation, constructed explicitly in terms of Karhunen-Loève (KL) and polynomial chaos (PC) expansions, leads to coupled differential equations for the expansion coefficients from which the stochastic acoustic field can be obtained as a random process. The equations are solved in the narrow-angle parabolic approximation using a split-step method to compute moments of the random acoustic field at any point in the waveguide. Results are compared with Monte-Carlo computations of the acoustic field in the same environment to study the convergence of the truncated stochastic basis expansion representing the acoustic field. The rate of convergence of the truncated chaos expansion was found to be dependent on the particular moment computed. For the first and second moments corresponding to the mean field and the field intensity, convergence was achieved rapidly, only requiring low order expansions. Another second moment, the acoustic spatial coherence, converged more slowly due to the relative phase information that, in this formulation, is described by polynomial approximation. While stochastic basis expansions show promise for the development of compact representations of the acoustic field in the presence of environmental uncertainty, accelerated convergence schemes will be needed to allow for practical applications.

  • articleNo Access


    Solution of wide-band underwater acoustic problems with the classical Normal Mode method in the frequency domain needs to solve the problem repeating for every frequency component of the wide-band source signal. In this paper, a direct and causal analytical Time Domain Normal Mode Method is presented for arbitrary time-dependent acoustic sources for a single layered isovelocity waveguide. An incomplete separation of variables technique is used to solve the inhomogeneous wave equation, directly in the time domain. Therefore, it becomes possible to calculate the time domain acoustic pressure in a single run.

  • articleNo Access

    Fast Frequency-Domain Forward and Inverse Methods for Acoustic Scattering from Inhomogeneous Objects in Layered Media

    The fast scattering and inverse scattering algorithms for acoustic wave propagation and scattering in a layered medium with buried objects are an important research topic, especially for large-scale geophysical applications and for target detection. There have been increasing efforts in the development of practical, accurate, and efficient means of imaging subsurface target anomalies. In this work, the acoustic scattering problem in layered media is formulated as a volume integral equation and is solved by the stabilized bi-conjugate gradient fast Fourier transform (BCGS-FFT) method. By splitting the layered medium Green’s function interacting with the induced source into a convolution and a correlation, the acoustic fields can be calculated efficiently by the FFT algorithm. This allows both the forward solution and inverse solution to be computed with only O(NlogN) computation time per iteration, where N is the number of degrees of freedom. The inverse scattering is solved using a simultaneous multiple frequency contrast source inversion (CSI). The stable convergence of this inversion process makes the multiple frequency simultaneous CSI reconstruction practical for large acoustic problems. Some representative examples are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the forward and inverse solvers for acoustic applications.