None of the previously reported mixed-mode universal filters can achieve the following important advantage: no need of component matching conditions. This paper presents a new mixed-mode (including voltage, current, transadmittance, and transimpedance modes) universal biquadratic filter with no need of matching conditions (including no need of component matching and no need of input matching conditions). The proposed filter structure with nine outputs employs two plus-type fully differential current conveyors (P-type FDCCIIs), two grounded capacitors, four grounded resistors and one floating/grounded resistor, which can realize voltage, current, transadmittance, and transimpedance modes universal filtering responses (lowpass, highpass, bandpass, notch, and allpass) from the same topology without matching conditions. Moreover, the proposed circuit still offers many important advantages: the employment of two grounded capacitors, the simultaneous realizations of a lot of filtering functions, using only grounded resistors as the control factors of all filter parameters and gains, having controllable gains in current and transimpedance modes without disturbing filter parameters ω0, ω0/Q, and Q, cascadably connecting the former voltage-mode (VM) stage and the latter current-mode (CM) stage, no capacitors bringing extra poles degrading high-frequency performance, and low active and passive sensitivity performances. H-spice simulations with TSMC 0.18μm 1P6M CMOS process technology validate theoretical predictions.